Читать книгу SYLVAN ELF CHRONICLES - Christianne Van Keuren - Страница 13


Chapter Seven

THE messengers arose at first light to horses eager to be on their way, knowing they were on the last leg home to the barn. They had enjoyed their jaunt, but were just as happy as their riders to return home. Breakfast was a fast, cold affair before they quickly headed out, but not before trying to remove all traces of their stay.

Noon break was even shorter. Just enough to give the horses a quick rest from their brisk pace. In short order they made the final push towards Woodlawn Village. The sun was casting long shadows when all the horses’ ears pricked forward recognizing their surroundings. Their excitement was picked up by their riders as they soon entered the circle they had departed from a week ago. No urging was necessary as the horses broke into a gentle canter on a familiar trail. They were almost at the end of the wood trail when Brian pulled up short almost causing a collision with the other riders. Gregan managed to rein his mount up next to Brian.

“What’s wrong?” Gregan’s voice just above a whisper.

Brian was very direct as he spoke. “The remaining daylight will make it hard to get into town. We have to ride in wearing our cloaks, hoods up; especially you two.” He pointed at Gregan and Vitaria.

“Won’t that attract more attention instead of avoiding it?” Vitaria asked.

“Not if we split up.” Darius said.

Brian looked at him. “Darius is right, if we split up and head in from separate directions

It will attract less attention.” Brian looked at Darius, “Darius I want you to take Vitaria with you and I’ll take Gregan with me.”

“Yes sir.” They started to head to the right when Brian’s voice stopped them. “And Darius?”

“Yes sir?”

“When you get home, go to Master Peter and let him know to get the word out that we need to convene a meeting tonight. Go further around the village and come in from the far side of your father’s fields.”

Darius just nodded as he dug his heels into his mount’s flanks, Vitaria close on his heels.

Brian pushed his horse forward before peeling off the trail to his left, Gregan wasn’t far behind.

Simon and Michael were out in the far hay field checking the growth for the first cutting when Michael heard the jingle of a bit as Darius’ horse shook his head to rid itself of flies.

“Dad?” Michael said just loud enough to catch his father’s attention.

Simon looked up at his second eldest son to see Michael indicate with his head in the direction of Darius and Vitaria. Simon recognized his son right away, but knew from the size and shape of the second figure that it wasn’t Brian with him. Both went to meet them at the edge of the field. Darius and Vitaria dismounted as they waited for Simon and Michael to get to them. A smile made its way onto Simon’s face with each step closer to his oldest son.

“Well I see you made it back safe and sound and none the worse for wear.” Simon commented.

“More or less.” Darius said.

“What happened?” The smile melted off his face as his eyes did a quick once over.

“I’m fine. I’ll explain when we get home.”

Simon looked over at Vitaria. “And just whom are we bringing home to mother?”

“Oh yeah. You remember Vitaria right?”

“Yes I do, I just wanted to see if you remember your manners. By the way the other young man with me is my second oldest son, Michael, Miss Vitaria.”

“Hello.” Vitaria said.

Embarrassed, Michael ducked his head as he mumbled, “Hi.”

“Please excuse my not removing my hood. We figured we’d try and not to attract too much attention when we came in by splitting up. I came with Darius and Gregan went with Brian.”

“Good idea.” Simon answered.

“Brian figured the Town Council would want to talk with them before they went back to Belasar. I need to tell Master Peter that we are back and to call a meeting.”

“Not before your mother sees you and gets a hot meal into you and our guests. I’m brave, but not that brave.”

“We had figured to finish the last leg tonight, but quite honestly the prospect of a hot meal and a good night’s sleep is very appealing M’Lord.”

“If you had Darius cooking for you I can understand that.” Michael said as he side stepped away from the shoulder punch he knew was coming.

Simon gave him a look as he shook his head. “Good, and please call me Simon.”

“Yes M’l… Simon.”

Simon swatted at a bug. “Well I don’t feel like feeding the bugs anymore so let’s get going and get you two back home.” He looked at them as Darius was about to remove his hood. “Keep your hoods on until we get to the house. The less people know you’re back, the better.”

Michael was pretty much silent as he fell in step with his brother. He kept sneaking looks at Darius. He looked the same, but didn’t. Darius caught a couple of the sideways glances, but said nothing as he thought to himself, ‘kids.’

They reached the barnyard and Simon grabbed the reins handing them to Michael.

“A good graining and curry before you come in. They’ve earned it. And bring in their gear.”

Michael groaned, but withered under his father’s frown. “Yes sir.” He said dejectedly. He tied the horses to the post as he unloaded the gear and put it on the porch. As he passed by, Darius spoke to him.

“I’ll talk to ya later.” Darius whispered under his breath with a wink. Michael gave a half smile as he led the horses to the barn.

The three were just about to enter the door when both Darius and Vitaria were plowed into from behind nearly taking them off their feet.

“Kaleen! Darius! You’re home!” Came two high pitched squeaks from the culprits.

“Easy guys. I didn’t make it all the way back so you could do me in.” Darius looked over at Brandon, who had Vitaria in a firm grip from behind around her hips. “Hey partner? You in the habit of grabbing strange ladies you don’t know?”

Brandon looked up into Vitaria’s smiling face. “Hi.” was all she said before Brandon released her as if scalded and ran to hide his face in his father’s leg. Simon just burst out laughing as he patted his son on the back. “Turn me loose little man so I can get in the house.” Brandon did, but still put his father between himself and Vitaria.

Darius strode ahead of them into the kitchen where his mother was cleaning up. Without turning she spoke in a scolding tone.

“Simon Thorntree. I hope you wiped your feet before you just came stomping in from the outside.”

“I can’t vouch for Dad, but I know I did.”

Collena whirled around, soapy water flying from hands across the kitchen floor.

“Darius!” Came Collena’s astonished cry.

“In the flesh Ma.” Two large steps were met with three quick ones as she hugged her eldest son. She pulled back slightly when she felt the bandage under his shirt.

“How did you get hurt?” She gave Simon a dirty look.

“Don’t give me the evil eye, I had nothing to do with it.” Simon said, “Besides and he said he’d explain it to me when we got home.”

“He did it to protect me.” Vitaria spoke as she almost timidly stepped forward around Simon.

Collena gave her a scrutinizing quick once over in a matter of seconds as only mothers can. Darius extracted himself from his mother’s tightening grip in the younger woman’s presence. His voice, somewhat protective of Vitaria as well as authoritative with his mother.

“If you can find us some food, we’ll explain everything. We’re both very tired and extremely hungry.”

Collena was slightly stunned by her son’s tone as she looked at Simon. Simon knew he would hear about this much later and he didn’t relish that conversation. Simon also realized this quick jaunt had educated his son in the ways of a few things.

Collena stared opened mouth at her son for a moment before she sputtered out a flustered response.

“Where are my manners? Of course I’ll fix you something. Darius go show…” Collena looked at Vitaria.

“Vitaria, M’Lady.”

Collena gave her a fleeting smile as she continued. “Please show Vitaria where she can freshen up. Brandon and Bryant please go get their gear and bring it in from the back porch. I assume that the young lady will be spending the night in your sister’s room.”

Darius gave her a befuddled look as he answered. “Where else would she stay? The barn perhaps with the horses?”

“Don’t you dare get cheeky with me young man. Now just do as you were asked to do while I fix some food.”

“I’ll show her where to clean up, but I have to go find Master Peter first as Brian asked me to do.” Collena gave him a stern look, Darius wasn’t backing down. “Brian’s orders Mom.”

“Collena, let the boy…” Here Simon got a dirty look from Darius, “Let Darius do what he is supposed to do. He won’t be long. Right?” Simon asked.

“No sir.” Darius answered quickly. “I’ll be very quick, I’m starving.”

Collena acquiesced as she knew her son’s appetite. “Then make it quick while Vitaria settles herself in Kaleen’s room and cleans up.”

Vitaria looked a little embarrassed as she spoke. “I’m afraid I don’t have a change of clean clothes. I had a slight accident.”

Darius smirked slightly as he headed for the door. He could feel Vitaria’s glare as he exited the door. He was just passing the barn when Michael came out the side door.

“Where ya headed?”

“Master Peter’s.”

“You’ll probably find him at the Smithy and not home just yet… Just ask Jake. He’s been complaining about having to pick up the slack since you’ve gone off gallivanting on adventures.”

“Gallivanting on adventures? I’ll give him gallivanting.” Darius said as he headed for town

“Wait! Let me go with you.” Michael said.

Darius stopped as he looked at his younger brother. “Isn’t Dad waiting for you?”

“Nope. I finished all of my chores so I’m free as a bird to do what I want.”

“Alright, but if you get into trouble don’t come crying to me. It ain’t my fault.”

“Never is.” Michael retorted as he punched his brother’s left arm.

“Ow! Knock it off iggit.”

Michael stepped away from his brother’s half-hearted swat in retaliation, mouth falling open. “Dad was right!” Michael almost crowed at this new bit of information. “You did hurt yourself.”

“No, I didn’t snot nose. And if you want to live to your next birthday, you’ll keep your mouth shut.”

“Does Mom know? How’d it happen? Did ya kill anyone? What’s Vitaria like? How’s Kaleen?”

Darius just shook his head at the barrage of questions his younger brother was firing at him. He was almost like an annoying bug buzzing around his head.

“Michael stop it, you sound like one of the twins chattering at me. I’ll tell you when I tell Mom.” Here he gave Michael a hard look. “And if you say one word in front of Master Peter, I’ll knock your teeth out.”

“Geeze Darius, you don’t have to get so nasty about it. I was just askin’ for Pete’s sake.” Michael stopped walking as he spoke again. “You don’t have to worry about my saying anything cause you can go there by yourself jackass. You used to know the way Mr. High and Mighty.” Michael turned and walked briskly away.

“Michael.” Darius said and when Michael didn’t stop he called again. “Michael”, but to no avail, as his brother just ignored him.

“Great.” Darius spoke to himself. “Now I’ll have to deal with that when I get home.” He continued on towards the smithy. “Well first things first. Master Peter before supper.”

As Darius approached the blacksmith the sound of hammers ringing out a staccato pinging on the anvils told him that Michael was correct in sending him there first.

He approached quietly, but an all too familiar gruff voice heralded his arrival.

“Oh look Master Peter at what the cat dragged in.” Master Finian warbled.

“Have ya got my back Master Finian?”

“I do. Ya with us young master Jake?”

“I think you overestimate his abilities.”

“Try me if you think you’re able.” Darius’ face split into a wide grin.

Master Peter managed to cross the smithy from the forge in a heartbeat. The smile melted from Darius’ face as a meaty hand clapped him robustly on the left shoulder jarring Darius’ teeth and making the wound throb. Instinctively he winced at the pain. Finian caught it before Darius could stop it.

“What happened young Master?” His face very serious.

“I’ll explain at the elders meeting tonight. Brian asked me to have you call a meeting as soon as you can.”

“Must be a reason.” Peter commented.

“Lorkian soldiers.” Was all Darius said. Both young men saw the concerned look exchanged between the two.

“I have to get back home. Mom’s fixing us dinner.”

“Us?” Came Jake’s inquiry, hand extended, eyebrows arching suggestively.

Darius grasped his friend’s hand. “Glad to see you too.”

“Well I was just thinking it was about time you got back. I’m a little tired of picking up your slack.”

“I don’t know what you’re grousing about. You barely pulled your own weight around here when I was here. You must have been staggering under my workload.”

“Oh I managed to do your work on my lunch hour and still had time enough to eat and take a nap before break was over.”

“If you two braggarts are done spreading the bull I suggest you get yourself home in a timely fashion or no amount of weaponry is going to help you with your mother’s wrath.”

Darius looked at him and nodded. “I’ll not argue with you there. See you later.”

And with that he headed for the door. Master Peter accompanied him. Master Peter grabbed his arm before Darius could step out the doorway.

“How badly were you hurt?”

Darius was about to make light of it, but one look at Peter’s face told him not to.

“A spear grazed my shoulder. Brian had to stitch me up. I don’t think I can swing a hammer with my left arm for a couple of days.” Here Darius’ face became serious. “I wasn’t doing anything stupid, Brian can tell you that.”

“I didn’t think you were. I’ll see you later.”

“Yes Sir!” And Darius left.

Peter turned back to the others. “Alright let’s get this…” He didn’t finish as the other two were already ahead of him and cleaning up.

Darius didn’t waste much time getting home as the prospect of his mother’s cooking gave his feet wings.

When he entered by the kitchen door he saw fresh bandages on the counter. He shot Vitaria a look.

“She asked, I answered.” Her voice as firm as her look before she turned her attention back to her plate.

“Clean up before you sit please.” Collena said as she pointed towards the bathroom. Darius grumbled, but headed as directed before returning quickly, changed and freshly washed.

Darius sat down opposite her as Collena set a plate in front of him. She planted a quick kiss on the top of his head before sitting down. Simon was already sitting with a cup of coffee. The other boys came in and leaned against anything available. Darius noticed that Vitaria was wearing some of Kaleen’s clothes. She saw the look and spoke.

“They just fit.”

“Kaleen hates tight clothes.” Was all he said as he put his full attention to the plate of food in front of him. He made short work of it, pointedly ignoring the look he got for his comment.

“I missed this the most.” He said, patting his stomach. “Almost as much as home.”

“All the noise and hubbub?” Simon asked.

Darius looked around. “Yeah. Can ya believe it?”

Collena was about to get up when Darius spoke to her. “Later Mom. When we get back please.”

Collena just studied his face for a moment. She looked at Simon as she spoke, “The way he just ate, I’m not worried. Go and get back. Collena began to clear the table, Vitaria got up to help. Collena took the plate from her hands. “They’ll need to speak with you as well. I have…” Here she looked at her other four boys. “I have plenty of willing help.” Vitaria, Darius and Simon left amid a chorus of grumbles and threats.

By the time the three of them got there, Brian had already spoken to several of the town elders. Vitaria whispered in Darius’ ear.

“Which one is Master Peter?”

Darius pointed and before he could say I, yes or no she made a beeline for him, he was about to follow her when Jake’s voice stopped him

“Soooo…what happened?” Darius was about to speak when Jake held up a hand interrupting him. “And don’t embellish too much, I can ask Brian you know.”

A lopsided grin planted itself on his face as he began to tell Jake what had happened. He left out the part where Vitaria caressed his shoulders. A gentleman never reveals something, or so he had been taught. He kept his eyes on Vitaria and Master Peter and a couple of times saw Peter glance in his direction. When it appeared she had finished, Peter escorted her over to the elders to join Brian and Gregan.

Jake and Darius tried to ease their way forward as nonchalantly as possible without attracting too much attention. Both remained as quiet as possible without appearing to eavesdrop.

“We now know that Nalas has scouts out and not just for protection anymore. He obviously is trying to find out what kind of defense we are mounting against him. The group Telasar ran into were seasoned soldiers on a mission to kill.” Jeb looked at Peter.

“Master Peter? How are we on weaponry? Do we have sufficient to send the first legion of men out to meet up with Lord Belasar?”

“Yes. Good sturdy steel, but I need a couple more weeks for mail.”

“With Young Master Darius back we shall be able to step up the production of that.” Master Finian said. “I have also sent word to have a few more Master smithies and helpers come so we can get more accomplished.” Finian pointed at Darius as he spoke.

“Darius here has shown me an easier way to piece the mail rings together that is much sturdier and more reliable. I have no doubt he will be able to teach them as well. They will be able to return to their own forges and make what is needed for all.”

Several heads turned in Darius’ direction and he found himself getting more attention than he really wanted. He heard a couple of murmured “He taught a master?” He reddened. Vitaria gave him a quick smile of encouragement at Finian’s praise.

“We’ll be ready to assemble in a fortnight Tom?”

“We have no choice, we will be ready. Tom continued as he looked around. “Provisions have been stockpiled and are ready to go. Many of our young men and women are ready to go at a moment’s notice. They have proven quite capable.”

Jeb looked over at Brian. “They have been training very hard in your absence.”

“I think the older ones are trying to prove something to us old fogies.” He said poking Brian in the ribs.

“Youth will have its head, I just hope we’ve taught them enough to keep it on their shoulders.”

“Them? I hope I can remember enough to keep my own.”

This evoked a rumble of laughter from all present. The decision was made that they would be leaving in two weeks. Vitaria and Gregan would carry the message along with the news from Telasar so the elves could prepare as well. Messengers would be sent to nearby towns to spread the word for plans to move forward. A gathering of forces was about to begin for all to unite in a cause.

As villager messengers prepared, Nalas made sure that Lorkian messengers were sent from tribe to tribe as well. All were preparing to amass forces towards Hecidia to await Nalas’ arrival. Ventina had plans of her own simmering like a witch’s caldron.


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