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Chapter 1 - The Basics


Productivity can also be called time management because that’s practically what you’re doing when you decide to be productive: managing your time.

Time is important. We’ve got too much of it when we don’t want it and we’ve got too less of it when we want it.

Of course, your biggest issue right now is the fact that you have too much work and too less time to finish it.

That’s normal and you’re not alone. There are many people out there that are facing the same dilemma that you are.

However, that doesn’t mean that you’re less successful than those who are already productive.

It just means that you have a harder time getting through the day without stressing yourself out.

Just because someone else can be more productive than you doesn’t mean that they are better than you.

It just means that they know how to manage their time and finish what they have to finish. They know where they need to go and what they need to do.

They’re focused and motivated at what they do and they will find time to improve on their weaknesses.

When you’re unproductive, you won’t be able to easily do all that. That’s because you’re looking more into the present rather than the future.

You’re not making any plans for tomorrow and you’re desperately trying to finish your plans for today.

The first and easiest step to being productive is to simply relax.

Before heading off to any type of work, you want to relax yourself because you’re less likely going to be distracted.

It probably sounds weird but think about it. The more you’re stressed out, the harder it will be for you to finish your job let alone finish it well.

If you’re the type of person that does extremely well under pressure, this isn’t going to work for you.

Anyways, you’re most likely going to be frustrated during the working process and you’ll probably end up spending more time trying to finish the work because you aren’t satisfied with what you have.

Thus, it brings me into another point: perfectionism. Stop trying to be a perfectionist.

No one is perfect and perfection isn’t going to be easily achieved with the limited amount of time that you have on your hands. It’s good to go the extra mile, but you have to have to know when to stop.

You’ll find that being productive isn’t as hard as you think it would be.

It’s like a habit that you have to develop over time and just like any habit, it’s going to be difficult to adjust in the beginning.

Nevertheless, once you keep going, it’ll be hard to stop.

There are a lot of benefits to being productive and you have to know that being productive and being busy are two separate definition.

When you’re busy, you have work. That’s all you do: work, work, and work.

There is no end to your workload and at the end of the day you might not feel as if you’ve finished anything even when you have.

When you’re productive, you are doing something. Yes, you are busy but you are doing something. You are doing something that has to be done.

You know that you are doing something with your time and you know that you have lightened the weight off your shoulders.

You feel refreshed and you feel accomplished. That’s why being busy all the time is nothing to brag about.

If you have a goal - any goal - and that goal is to be successful in life at whatever you do then being productive is a good habit to get yourself into.

It should be obvious that there is no way you can become successful overnight. This isn’t Disney.

No one is going to sprinkle pixie powder over you and make you successful once the clock hits twelve. Life doesn’t work that way.

If you were to ask any entrepreneurs about how they achieved success then they would tell you the exact same thing.

Success takes time, the time that you’re trying so hard to preserve each day. It might take months or even years. Who knows?

The most important point of being successful is to be productive.

When you become a business leader, you’re going to have twice or triple the workload of an average worker so if you can barely make it through the day with the amount of work you have now, you’re not going to last for a very long time.

You need to learn how to manage your time. Once you have that down, every other step is going to be a walk in the park.

Tripling Your Efficiency: The Quick and Easy Guide to Help You Stay Organized, Increase Productivity and Achieve Your Goals Faster

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