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1 1. Franklin and Brooks Higginbotham (2011:100).

2 2. Sociologist Eduardo Bonilla-Silva (1996) introduced the concept of a racialized system to provide a theoretical framework through which racism could be viewed as having a structural interpretation. He asserts that, in a racialized social system, “economic, political, social, and ideological levels are partially structured” along racial lines, where races are socially constructed and typically determined by phenotypic characteristics (Bonilla-Silva 1996:469). The ultimate purpose of this categorization is to provide a basis for the formation of a social hierarchy along racial lines that justifies the unequal distribution of social goods (economic and political) amongst races by reference to their place in the hierarchical structure. The end result of this is that the life chances of racial groups are dissimilar, and the degree of racialization of a social system is indicated by this dissimilarity in life chances (Bonilla-Silva 1996:470).

3 3. https://medium.com/@matthewjohn_36675/White-supremacy-and-capitalism-the-two-headed-dragon-that-must-be-slain-dc55fc5e8ccf.

4 4. https://socialistworker.org/2011/01/04/race-class-and-marxism.

5 5. An example can be drawn by examining the role of the state: Oliver and Shapiro (1995) in their examination of the racialization of state policy demonstrate how state policy has simultaneously impaired the ability of Black Americans to accumulate wealth, while promoting the accumulation of wealth amongst White Americans. Thus, members of the dominant group can profess a belief in racial equality and still reap the material benefits of their dominant position (Bonilla-Silva 1996; Blauner 2001).

6 6. Lieberson (1980:137) states: “Georgia passed laws in 1770, 1829, and 1853 that prohibited their education; Virginia in 1849; and South Carolina in 1740, 1800, and 1834. The latter prohibitions also applied to free Blacks.”

Black in America

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