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Minnie swallowed.

The back of her throat was dry.

Peter was looking at her, and she couldn’t bring herself to meet his gaze. Those hazel eyes would steal every thought from her head. So she looked at her hands, her boots, the pew, anything but him.

“Did you find an envelope at the garage?”

His brow pinched. “What kind of envelope?”

“A regular one. Full of papers and such.” She didn’t exactly want to admit that she’d lost actual money, not when some of their customers were standing within hearing distance.


Her hopes died. “Oh. I’d hoped…” Her voice trembled so she stopped.

His expression softened. “I didn’t look around, though. Wanna go check?”

“Can we?” In her excitement, she made the costly mistake of looking into his eyes.

They twinkled. “Sure.” He held out an arm. “Let’s go now.”

Warmth came back to her fingers and toes. She told herself it must be due to her renewed hope that they’d find the money, but deep down she knew it was something else. Or rather someone, who just so happened to have twinkling hazel eyes.

Suitor by Design

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