Читать книгу The Rancher's Surprise Son - Christine Wenger - Страница 2


Laura reached for a piece of toast and took her coffee with her.

She had an hour before the first guests would arrive, and she was going to enjoy it with Cody and Johnny.

Johnny insisted on putting on his cowboy boots and his cowboy hat. He said that he wanted “to look just like Mr Masters.”

Oh, you do, my little boy. You do.

Laura walked past all the tables with Johnny. She had to admit everything looked beautiful. Where she would be sitting, at the head table, she’d have a perfect view of the barn. Maybe she could catch glimpses of Cody and Johnny during the riding lesson.

As Laura and Johnny approached the barn, Cody appeared, leading Pirate into the corral.

Johnny waved excitedly. “Hi, Mr Masters. Hi, Pirate.”

“Hello, son,” Cody replied, and Laura’s heart did a flip in her chest at that simple greeting, which had much more meaning now.

* * *

Gold Buckle Cowboys: They’ll steal your heart in eight seconds!

The Rancher's Surprise Son

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