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1.2Tax burden and tax justice


Modern industrial states fulfill a number of political tasks of a social, regulatory and economic nature. The extent of the tasks vested in the respective political system is always reflected in its so-called Staatsquote, which indicates the ratio of government expenditures to gross national product (GNP). In Germany, this ratio was 44.3 % in 2016:

Figure 1: Ratio of government expenditures to the GNP for Germany 2016

Figure 2: Development of the expenditure-GNP ratio from 1980 to 2016

States levy contributions, predominantly in the form of taxes, to finance the public services. A high public expenditure quota generally means that the economic actors are subject to an increased liability to pay taxes and contributions. This liability to pay taxes and contributions is expressed by the so-called tax ratio which indicates the ratio of taxes and social contributions to the gross national product. In 2016, this tax ratio amounted to 42.7 %:

Figure 3: Tax and contribution ratio for Germany 2016

Taxes influence the economic activities of the people and change their consumption, investment and savings habits. Thus, taxes must be arranged in a “just” manner. “Just” means that the circumstances of each individual case must be taken into account, as only specially tailored rules prevent generalized and therefore unjust legal consequences in individual cases. However, the more the tax laws take details into account, the more complex they become and the more difficult they become to apply or carry out. As is the case when there are too few regulations, the complexity of tax provisions caused by the increasing number of rules for specific cases leads to injustices because only those who have access to correspondingly qualified advice are able to make fiscally optimal arrangements. Those taxpayers who receive no or poor advice are thus at a disadvantage compared to those who receive good advice, because the former are unable to take advantage of the possibilities to avoid paying taxes. The term “Dummensteuer” (idiot tax) has also been used in this context. The term “just” also means not over-regulating the system of taxation, but rather keeping it manageable and comprehensible for the majority of taxpayers.

In addition to excessive regulations for individual cases, another reason for the complexity of our tax system is the fact that the assessment of taxes not only serves as a source of income for the state, but rather is used economically and socio-politically to steer the actions of individuals. Taxes are meant to guide behavior. Instead of enacting imperatives and prohibitions, the legislature encumbers undesired behavior with additional taxes and promotes desired behavior and those goods worthy of such promotion (so-called merit goods) with tax relief (e.g. lower value-added tax of 7 % for foodstuffs and magazines, instead of the normal 19 %). Thus, the state not only pursues fiscal interests, but also steering objectives as well (e.g. the restriction of cigarette consumption with the tobacco tax, or the promotion of energy saving with the ecology tax).

German Profit Taxes

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