Читать книгу Chimneysmoke - Christopher Morley - Страница 3

Illustrations Table of Contents
This hearth was built for thy delight Frontispiece
And by a friend's bright gift of wine, I dedicate this house of mine 23
And of all man's felicities 33
A little world he feels and sees: His mother's arms, his mother's knees 39
The 5:42 47
And Daddy once said he would like to be me Having cocoa and animals once more for tea! 53
But heavy feeding complicates The task by soiling many plates 59
How ill avail, on such a frosty night 65
The old swimmer 69
But Katie, the cook, is more splendid than all 73
Perhaps it's a ragged child crying 79
The Balloon Peddler 85
If you appreciate it more Than I—why don't return it! 87
And then one night 93
The human cadence and the subtle chime Of little laughters 95
What years of youthful ills and pangs and bumps 103
A Birthday 109
You must be rigid servant of your art! 123
You came, and impudent and deuce-may-care Danced where the gutter flamed with footlight fire 127
Hostages 135
My eyes still pine for the comely line Of an outbound vessel's hull 155
A man ain't so secretive, never cares What kind of private papers he leaves lay 165
Mounted Police 177
Courtesy 183
The Plumpuppets 189
It's hard to have to tell How unresponsive I have found her 195
When you see, this Great First Time, Lit candles on a Christmas Tree! 201
The music box 207
Solugubrious 217
In the midnight, like yourself, I explore the pantry shelf! 221
The Twins 227
O praise me not the country 233
The wail of sickly children 239
Ah, does the butcher—heartless clown— Beget that shadow on her brow? 245

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