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No, Mia thought. No, no, no.

He was here in Sugar Falls? And he was her doctor? How had this happened?

“It’s you” was all he said. She stood there, stiff and numb, drinking in the sight of him but at a complete loss of what to say without looking foolish.

“You live here in Sugar Falls?” he asked when she remained silent. His eyes hadn’t blinked and hadn’t stopped their constant perusal of her. “And we’re meeting like this? How could this have happened?”

His words mirrored her own thought process so exactly that the nervous giggle she’d been trying to swallow almost bubbled out. But then he smiled as though Santa had just delivered a long-sought-after Christmas gift to him, and a familiar cold panic spread through her. Mia reached for the file, the one containing all her personal information, including the fact that she was now carrying this stranger’s child, and tried to yank it from his hands.

The hands that had so skillfully brought her body to life just two months ago.

* * *

Sugar Falls, Idaho: Your destination for true love!

From Dare To Due Date

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