Читать книгу reMembering Mulatta - Christy Sampson-Kelly - Страница 7


I Hope not to be Forgotten

Where do I fit

in this mended world

stitched together by my people?

This world

of beautiful mahogany

so smooth and rich

one could get lost

in the feel of it.

This world

of dark knowing eyes

with knowledge so deep

that diving in

merely allows one

to tread at its surface.

This world

of thick, dense kinks

cropped short

revealing intricacy,

strength of character.

Where do I fit

with my buttery complexion

and devilish eyes,

with my overabundance

of sandy colored curls?

This I ask

in full support

of the reclaiming,

as mere reminder

that I exist.

reMembering Mulatta

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