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“I hope you don’t mind, but I took a shower.”

His comment forced her to turn and acknowledge him, but the moment she laid eyes on his damp and masculine form, she froze.

Sweet mercy. He was wearing his shorts, thankfully, but his hair was wet, and he was still shirtless. He walked toward her—barefoot, she assumed, because she couldn’t take her eyes off the muscles rippling in his chest long enough to look. The hair on his upper body formed a soft V that angled down below his waistband.


She couldn’t answer. She was too mesmerized by his ripped hard abdomen.

“Maxine?” he said again, and she had to drag her eyes upward. He stepped closer, and she leaned back against the kitchen counter to steady her shaky legs.

“Huh?” she managed to get out.

Cooper was now only inches away. He lifted his hand to her face, his fingers skimming her cheek and setting her skin on fire. “If you don’t stop looking at me like that, I’m not going to be able to control myself anymore.”

She didn’t want him to control himself. And she was sure as heck tired of controlling herself. So she raised her lips in invitation.

And that was all it took.

* * *

Sugar Falls, Idaho: Your destination for true love!

A Marine For His Mum

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