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“Well, well … this is a nice surprise.”

Priscilla couldn’t believe it! “What are you doing here?”

“Ah, you’ll have to forgive me for not recognizing you …” Dean’s voice trailed off as he took a step closer, his impossibly wide shoulders pushing open the door fully, his gaze immediately darting around the floor of the room. “You look a little different without your sunglasses.”

His perusal stopped the moment it landed on her bare toes, and his smile deepened as he slowly took his time letting his gaze travel up her legs. By the time he reached the edge of the towel that rode high on her thighs, a warm flush had enveloped Priscilla.

She should be annoyed at his deliberate scrutiny, but for some reason she was—pleased?

No, that couldn’t be right. Just because her ex had rarely taken his nose out of his financial journals, even during a conversation, didn’t mean she thought—that she felt—

“Or without your wet clothes,” he added.

* * *

Welcome to Destiny:

Where fate leads to falling in love

Destiny's Last Bachelor?

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