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Girl, get over it!


Another familiar refrain, one she’d repeated daily to herself over the last few weeks, echoed in her head. Getting back to normal—whatever that might be— was harder than she thought.

That morning after Nolan left, she’d cleaned up the room as best she could. She then hurried home, determined to live up to the agreement they made. To make sure everything stayed the same. Between her and Nolan. Her and the Murphys. Her and the job she loved so much.

Easier said than done.

Yes, her actions had been dumb that night. Not just dumb, but careless, too. Hey, it wasn’t the first time she’d done something stupid in her never-ending search for—

Nope, don’t use the L word.

What happened that night had been a combination of lust, booze and foolishness. She’d been lucky the man she’d fallen into bed with had been someone like Nolan.

To allow herself to think one night of great sex would lead to … to something … was crazy. He’d made his feelings about their night together clear when he said they should go on with their lives as if nothing had happened.

Nothing. Yeah, right.

Welcome to Destiny:

Where fate leads to falling in love

His Destiny Bride

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