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This story opens with Chapter Three.

To understand the reason this writer departed from the time-honored tradition of beginning at Chapter One, you need to know that a higher spiritual source woke me quite unexpectedly at 4:30 A.M. one cold December morning and informed me that it was time to begin my book. I was surprised at its direction, not so much at the early hour, but because I never had the slightest inclination or vaguest clue that I would become involved in such an enterprise.

Sitting at my word processor with a freshly brewed pot of coffee, I dutifully typed "Chapter One" at the top of the screen, fully anticipating that my spiritual guidance would immediately begin its dictation. I had learned sometime earlier not to question the direction of this higher source, since "it" always seemed to understand what was best for my personal growth.

I patiently sat... and waited.

Now, I am the first to agree that Chapter One would have been the logical place to begin. But, since there was a distinct absence of anything profound manifesting itself on my computer monitor after over an hour, I elected to bypass it for the moment and skip to Chapter Two.

I cleared my head and focused my efforts. Figuring that I was now well under way in the writing of this unexpected narrative, I was confident that this second chapter would unfold with much less difficulty than the previous one.

This maneuver proved equally fruitless.

For some reason for which I have no logical explanation, I modified the previously typed heading at the top of the page to read "Chapter Three." At that very moment, as if by magic, the words suddenly began to tumble out of some unknown location and appeared on the computer screen before me. Looking down, I observed my fingers with fascination as they moved and bumped into each other with the excitement of a new adventure, and the book began to unfold before me.

If you sense that this is going to be an unconventional story, you are correct! This will not be one of those stereotypical dissertations on spirituality or psychic awaken ing; nor, will it be similar to other esoteric how-to books that crowd the shelves of popular New Age metaphysical establishments.

Instead, you will discover that it is the tale of a common citizen, a regular guy, perhaps not unlike yourself, whose life suddenly took an unsuspecting turn at precisely 6:45 P.M. on a fall Sunday evening more than a dozen years ago! Although this book recounts the saga of one man 's journey to awareness, I share it to illustrate how each of us may understand and apply the metaphysical principles that truly exist on this physical plane-once we give ourselves permission to experience them.

There are many paths out there; this story involves only one of them. However, the truth is that all paths ultimately lead to the same place: self-awareness, truth, growth and the understanding and acceptance of what reality truly is.

While reading this book, please keep in mind two basic concepts that you need to know about reality. First, reality is defined by your individual experience of it; second, it can be changed!

The only reason you may not have had a similar journey up to now is that you may not have been aware that it was one of your options!

How can you discover your options? Read my story! We are not going to begin at the beginning of the story, however. Instead, we again depart from tradition and commence near the finish. (This will satisfy those who prefer to read several pages and then skip to the end to get a sense of what may lie between.)

So, I invite you to come along and explore my adventure as I experienced it. As you read the following pages, if you recognize that what you comprehend is your truth, then continue, observing the specific clues in your life that might lead you to your path as I was led to mine...

So, let's go to the end...

Which is actually the beginning...

Which begins at Chapter 3...

Funny You Should Say That

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