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Master George Grahame his renouncing and abjuring of Episcopacie.


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The which day was given into the Assembly, direct from Master George Grahame, sometimes pretended Bishop of Orknay, an abjuration of Episcopacie, subscribed with his hand, which was publickly read in audience of the Assembly; and thereafter they ordained the same to be registrat in the assembly Books ad perpetuam rei memoriam, whereof the tenor follows.

To all and sundry whom it effects, to whose knowledge these presents shall come, specially to the reverend and honourable Members of the future Assembly to be holden at Edinburgh, the twelfth day of August 1639. years: Me Master George Graham, sometime pretended bishop of Orknay, being sorry and grieved at my heart that I should ever for any wordly respect have embraced the order of Episcopacie, the same having no warrand from the Word of God, and being such an order, as hath had sensibly many fearful and evill consequences in many parts of Christendome, and particularly [pg 073] within the Kirk of Scotland, as by doleful and deplorable experience this day is manifest, to have disclaimed, like as I by the tenor hereof doe altogether disclaime and abjure all Episcopal power and jurisdiction, with the whole corruptions thereof, condemned by lawful Assemblies within the said Kirk of Scotland, in regard the same is such an order as is also abjured within the said Kirk, by vertue of that National Oath with was made in the years 1580. and 1581. promising and swearing by the great Name of the Lord our God, That I shall never whiles I live, directly or indirectly, exerce any such power within the Kirk, neyther yet shall I ever approve or allow the same, not so much as in my private or publike discourse: But on the contrary, shall stand and adhere to all the Acts and Constitutions of the late Assembly holden at Glasgow, the 21. of Novemb. 1638. last by-past, and shall concurre to the uttermost of my power, sincerely and faithfully, as occasion shall offer, in execution the said Acts, and in advancing the Work of Reformation within this Land, to the glory of God, the peace of the Countrey, and the comfort and and contentment of all good Christians, as God shall be my help. In testimony of the which premisses, I have subscribed thir presents with my hand at Breeknes in Stronnes, the eleventh day of February, the year of God 1639. years, before thir witnesses Master Walter Stuart, Minister at Shoutronnaldsay, Master James Heynd, Minister at Kirkwall, Master Robert Peirson, Minister at Firth, and Master Patrick Grahame, Minister at Holme, my Son.

The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland

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