Читать книгу Black Canyon Conspiracy - Cindi Myers - Страница 2


“Get some rest. You want to be alert when we make a break for it tonight.”

“Will you rest, too?” she asked.

“I’ll keep watch,” he said. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

He buried his face in her hair and inhaled deeply of her floral-and-spice scent. She made him feel more vulnerable than he ever had, yet at the same time stronger. A man who had spent his life avoiding complications, he welcomed the challenges she brought. She made him think what the future might look like with her in it.

She stirred, and he pushed away his musings. She opened her eyes, then smiled. “Does this mean the wonderful dream I was having is real?” she asked.

“What was the dream?”

Her smile widened. “It involved a big feather bed and you and me—naked.”

He indulged himself with a kiss, fighting the urge to take her there on the hard ground. “We’ll have to see about making that dream come true later.”

Black Canyon Conspiracy

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