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Dear Reader,

I’m so excited to be a part of Harlequin Flipside! I’ve always loved romantic comedy because sometimes life is pretty absurd, and all you can do is laugh and go on. I think that’s what my character Lucy Lake does. When life hands her lemons, she attempts to juggle them. The results aren’t always pretty, but she manages to see the humor in every situation…even when she’s falling in love.

I especially enjoyed writing this book because of Millie. I’m a big dog lover, but for some reason I’d never written a story with a dog as one of the main characters. Granted, Millie isn’t an ordinary dog, but she does embody that wonderful loving, accepting spirit all dogs have.

So I hope you enjoy Life According to Lucy. And look for other Flipside stories from me in the coming months. I love to hear from readers. You can e-mail me at cindi@cindimyers.com, visit me online at www.CindiMyers.com or write me in care of Harlequin Books, 225 Duncan Mill Rd., Don Mills, ON M3B 3K9, Canada.

Happy reading!

Cindi Myers

Life According to Lucy

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