Читать книгу Her Cowboy Soldier - Cindi Myers, Cindi Myers - Страница 12



“I’VE GOT a new assignment for you, Amy.” Ed Burridge, editor and publisher of the Hartland Herald, stopped beside Amy’s desk in the paper’s storefront office.

Amy looked up from her computer, wondering if the little thrill that ran through her at those words would ever go away. Of course, she was so new to journalism that every assignment was a novelty, but every time she hoped this newest story would be her big break—the one article that would catch the attention of magazine editors and help her land her dream job in the city.

“I want you to go to the high school prom. Talk to the kids, soak up the atmosphere then write a feature,” Ed said.

The smile with which she’d greeted Ed vanished. “The prom? Are our readers really going to be interested in a high school dance?”

“They are.” He held up one thick finger, prepared to lecture. A stocky man who favored brightly colored aloha shirts and faded khakis, Ed had taken over the paper two years previous and was constantly on the lookout for ways to boost circulation and make the weekly more profitable. “Small-town life revolves around the school. Every parent with a kid at the prom, every sponsor of the night and every chaperone is going to want to read about themselves. Parents whose children aren’t yet old enough to attend but will soon will want to find out what to expect. Other people will read just to see what’s going on, or to relive their own proms. We can’t lose with this one.”

Her Cowboy Soldier

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