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“About that kiss last night…”

Max leaned forward curiously. “What happened? Is that what it’s always like to kiss you?”

“I wouldn’t know. I’ve never kissed myself.”

“Something happened when you kissed me, Lissa.”

“You mean the earth moved under your feet?” she joked.

He frowned across the table at her. “I’m serious.”

She really wished he would drop the line of questioning, but she sensed there wasn’t a chance in hell he would do that. Instead she asked a shade shortly, “Describe something.”

“It was like my imagination went crazy. I saw all kinds of images and felt all kinds of feelings. But it all happened in, like, a millisecond.”

She swore under her breath. Did he have a gift of his own, then? “Has anyone ever told you you’re an empath?”

He leaned back hard in his chair. “I have some experience in watching other people’s body language. But that doesn’t make me some kind of psychic.”

He said the word as if it was filthy. A momentary knife of pain twisted in her gut.

* * *

Her Secret Spy

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