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Q5 Here’s your piece of trivia advice for this round from the expert. Memorize your South American countries and capitals. There are only twelve countries. It’s easy. One-seventh of all trivia geography questions are about South America. Just take twenty minutes and do it

…also, 72.643 percent of statistics are made up.

In which city did the Wizard of Oz live?

Which type of long, narrow skirt is named after a writing utensil?

In the acronym “ETA,” what does the “E” stand for?

Who played the title role in both of the movies Taxi Driver and Raging Bull?

Of which South American country is Caracas (kah-rock-us) the capital city?

Which actress has the coordinates of her children’s birthplaces tattooed on her arm?

What is the term used for the volume of whiskey lost as it matures in the barrel?

Which 1988 movie reimagines a famous scientist as a farmer who discovers rock ‘n’ roll?

In which modern-day country was tennis player Novak Djokovic (joe-ko-vic) born?

What word for “crazy” is a descriptor for clowns in the Italian theater?

Bonus Question Who was the first person to share the cover of O magazine with Oprah Winfrey?

Round Five

We Don't Know Either

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