Читать книгу Big Sky Christmas - C.J. Carmichael - Страница 3
ОглавлениеJackson went to open the driver’s side door for her, but she didn’t get in. Instead, she surprised him by placing a hand on his shoulder.
“I’m glad you were at the dinner tonight. I wasn’t sure you would be.”
“I didn’t want to be,” he admitted. “Corb pretty much twisted my arm.”
“Was it because of Olive that you didn’t want to come? Or me?”
“A little of both.”
“Ouch. Brutally honest, aren’t you?”
“I didn’t say that to hurt your feelings.”
“Oh. So it was a compliment then?”
“Damn it, Winnie. It’s complicated.” She couldn’t know how hard this was for him. If only he could see her the way he saw Laurel, or Cassidy, or even B.J.’s new wife, Savannah. They were all beautiful women, too.
But only Winnie set his blood on fire. And it was so, so wrong. It had been wrong when Brock was alive. And it was just as wrong now that he was gone.