Читать книгу Beautiful Fate - CK Marie - Страница 17

Chapter Sixteen


I don’t even get my hand up to knock, Brytney swings the door open flashing a smile from ear to ear. We step inside…Ian is the first to speak.

“Is Jack around”

“Yep, he’s in the living room just follow the sound of the television,” Brytney tells him.

He reaches over, giving me a kiss. “I’ll leave you girls to talk.”

As soon as Brytney sees him disappear she grabs my hand and drags me upstairs to her room. Shutting the door, she turns and throws herself at me, hugging me tightly. “What the fuck is going on Vanessa? Spill it, now…I want to know everything!”

Before I get into what has happened with Ian, I ask her, “What do you know? What did Shayne tell you?”

“For starters, that motherfucker better watch it! Jack is pissed with the things he said about you and me. He told me you argued that it was over Ian being your client…when he asked you to drop him, you refused. Then the bastard started on me, telling me I was a worthless bitch and a bad influence on you. Said to me I should have been taken from you also, then he would have no problems with you listening to him. I snapped Vanessa, don’t even remember what I said…all I know is Jack came running when he heard me screaming. He took the phone from me. Shayne must have said the wrong thing to Jack because he told him to keep away from you and me and threatened to pull his balls out from his throat.”

“Shit Brytney, of all the things that could happen in my life, I never imagined this. Shayne told me we shouldn’t get married. I left to come here; instead, I ended up with Ian.” Brytney went to speak, I stopped her. “Don’t ask how it doesn’t matter.” I put my head in my hands.

“Vanessa, talk to me, what happened?” She sits us both down.

I stay quiet for a moment, and then I say… “Brytney, how is it that I feel the way I do about Ian? I’ve known him less than a week…I feel closer to him than I ever have with Shayne. Brytney… I slept with Ian.” I’m expecting a gasp or an OMFG from her. Instead, I get laughter, an all-out hold your stomach, fall over laughter. “I’m serious Brytney! I did!” She does her best to get control of herself.

“I believe you, it’s just….” She starts laughing again then with one leap she’s crushing me with her arms hugging me so tight. “Oh Vanessa, you have no idea how long I’ve been praying for you to get Shayne out of your life.”

Out of nowhere, I start laughing with her. “You are such a bitch, but I love you!” After we pull ourselves together, I get serious again. “Ian told me I am staying with him, I said yes. It feels right Brytney, I can’t explain it, but I know it is. Am I jumping to fast? Am I playing the fool?”

“I don’t think so Vanessa, you know I am a believer in things happen for a reason, I believe Ian is your thing. Now to more serious things – how was it?”

“How was what?” I give her a confused look.

“Oh come on Vanessa, don’t play dumb with me, you know exactly what I mean. The sex! How was the sex?”

I feel my face turn a thousand shades of red. “It was unbelievable! I never knew it could feel like that! And the orgasm…wow, who knew it could be that good!”

“I knew! How many times have I tried to tell you?” We both start laughing again.


“I’m not even going to ask how Vanessa ended up with you Ian, but I will say this, thank you. You have no fucking clue what a relief it is to have her away from Shayne.” Jack says to him.

“I take it, you don’t like him?”

“You fucking got that right. Listen…Ian, there’s something about that fucker. I can’t figure it out, but I know, and so does Brytney, something is not right.” I don’t know what’s up with you and Vanessa and it’s not my biz, just as long as she’s away from him and she’s happy.”

“You have my word Jack, he will not get near her, and as far as what is up with Vanessa and me, let’s just say…you are going to be seeing a lot of me.”


“Fuck! Brytney, I need to get my things from the house. I don’t want to have to see Shayne.” I tell her.

“Don’t worry about that. Jack and I will be with you, we will do it when he is at work. What are you planning on taking?”

“Everything, that is mine…unless it’s furniture or can’t fit into a box.”

“Okay, then we will get a truck and make it one trip, in and out. Let’s do it tomorrow, I’m already off work, Jack can go in late, you tell Bret you need a personal day. Vanessa, can I say something?”

“You know you can…since when do you ask?”

“This is different…please don’t get upset.” She takes a deep breath. “I hate Shayne; you don’t know what a relief it is to know that you will be away from him.”

“Brytney, I already knew you didn’t like him.” I laugh at her.

“No…Vanessa, not don’t like, I hate him. There’s something off, I feel it…I know it. Ever since the start of you and him…all those times you shot him down, you avoided him. He practically stalked you. Then you caved. I wanted you to be happy…I really didn’t think you would have ended up living with him, let alone getting engaged. I’ve never hidden my dislike of him, hell I’ve told him even before you broke down and went out with him. I did all I could to keep him away from you, a lot of us did.”

“What do you mean a lot of us?” I ask her.

“Nothing, it doesn’t matter. Come on, let’s go find the guys and let them know the plan.” She says as she walks towards the bedroom door.

“Aww, girl time over already?”

“What’s the matter Jack you need more playtime with your new friend Ian?” Brytney teases.

“Ha-ha Brytney, you think you have such a funny side,” Jack tells her.

We all start laughing.

“Jack, can you go into work late tomorrow?” Brytney asks him.

“Yeah, that shouldn’t be a problem. What’s up?”

“We are going to go with Vanessa to get her stuff from the house. We want to do it while Shayne is at work.”

“I’m going to be there also. Do we need a truck?” Ian asks

“Yes, but not a moving one, I’m only taking things that can fit into boxes,” I tell him.

“No problem with that…I have a full-size pickup; it will fit all four of us. Plus it’s better then having a moving truck out front, less conspicuous if you have nosy neighbors.” He tells us.

“Okay, then it's set. We will pick the two of you up around eight a.m., get there early, pack up and get out.” Just as we finish last details, there is a knock at the door. “Shit! What if it’s Shayne?” I start to panic.

“You let me handle this…Brytney, take Vanessa and Ian and go in the kitchen.” Jack tells her.

“Oh god, please don’t let it be him if he knows or even thinks I am here he’s not going to leave,” I say to Jack.

“Don’t worry, I can handle it, he won’t know you are here,” Jack assures me.

We get into the kitchen, my nerves are shaking. Ian comes and wraps his arms around me. “I don’t want any trouble caused, especially here at your home Brytney.”

“To hell with that…if that fucker comes here, he deserves the trouble Jack is going to lay down on his ass.”

We all go silent when we hear the door open…trying to listen to what is being said. All of a sudden the door shuts, footsteps making their way back to us…it’s not just one set. Jack walks in first, followed by Vince and Alice.

“What the hell Vanessa! I’ve been calling you for hours!”

“Oh no Vince, I’m so sorry, I’ve had my phone silenced all day, haven’t checked it in a while,” I say to him.

He comes and gives me one of his bear hugs. “I wouldn’t have been so worried, but Shayne has been blowing up my phone. I was cool at first until the asshole started trash talking you, then he had the nerve to start calling Alice’s phone.”

“I’m sorry Vince; it’s been pretty crazy the past twenty-four hours. So much has happened.” After I finish telling Vince and Alice all that has occurred they both crash into me, holding tight. I can hear Vince crying. He pulls back and looks at me, before he opens his mouth to talk, I stop him. “Let me guess, you hate him too, and you’re relieved to finally have me away from the fucker.”

He gives me a look then starts laughing as Brytney says. “Sorry Vince, Jack and I beat you to it with those exact words you just heard.”

“Okay, then let me ask this.” He turns to Ian. “So, tell me what part are you playing in all of this?”

“Vince!” Alice yells at him. “For fuck's sake, ease up!”

“It’s okay Alice,” Ian says. “I can fully respect that question and to answer you, Vince, there is only one part I will be playing. I will be the one who makes Vanessa happy.”

Shocked at the answer I look over to him, I feel my eyes fill with tears. Ian takes a napkin and wipes under them, then places gentle kisses over each one. He says to me not Vince. “That’s my role, that’s what I want, what I will do…if you’ll have me.” No amount of napkins could soak up the waterfall pouring down my cheeks. “Vanessa, why are you crying?”

“Because…Ian, I believe you.” I don’t get to say another word; he has his lips on mine. I feel the passion in his kiss. The sound of sniffing noses pulls me back, remembering we are not alone. Brytney and Alice are both crying, Jack and Vince are both smiling, shaking their heads at them.

“So, Vince does that answer your question?” Ian asks him.

“Welcome to the family bro! It’s a package deal, we come with Vanessa.” Vince says as he puts his hand out to Ian.

Ian puts his palm into his with a firm grip he shakes and says, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Jack reaches out and gives Ian a slap to the shoulder. “Welcome aboard man.”

Brytney and Alice skip the man shake and crash into him, arms wrapping tight around him. I just watch and smile, letting the happiness fill me up from head to toe. This is really happening I think to myself. This is what it feels like to be completely whole, no void inside, nothing missing. For the first time in years, I feel complete.

Beautiful Fate

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