Читать книгу How to Unleash the Power of Your Mind and Manifest Success: Unlocking Human Mind Potential - Clary B. Collins - Страница 5

The Dangers of Negativity


The first chapter addresses a negative mindset. Nothing in this book can help you unlock your potential if you have a negative mindset.

Negative thinking will sink your dreams quicker than anything else. The problem with negative thinking is that is so prone to self-perpetuation.

For example, something bad happens so you get into a bad mood, your bad mood causes you to be angry and so people react to you badly. You go to bed upset that people are not being nice to you and when you wake up, you think about yesterday and get angry again. You expect the day to be bad and so it will be bad and the cycle begins again.

The more you think about something, the more likely it is to happen. If you expect the worst, you get the worst. Negative thinking is the first thing that you need to work on because if you cannot drop the negative thinking cycle, your potential will stay forever hidden.

There is no success and no happiness when you willingly surround yourself with negatives!

You may not even realize that you are or you might protest that you are only negative because of the circumstances that you have had to deal with.

Here’s a secret, we all have circumstances. You, me, and everybody; we all have circumstances that we have to deal with. Everybody that you see is fighting some sort of battle. It is how they choose to view it that makes the difference.

Go over your life, what things have happened that you wish had not? Do you chalk those things up to bad luck or did you make a mistake? If you agree that you made a mistake, you are going to have an easier time avoiding negativity because you understand that sometimes, we make our own bad luck.

All you can do is learn from it and move on. If you go over your list and think that everything or most of the things listed are from bad luck or because of other people, you have more of a challenge.

Why? Because bad luck does not exist! Sometimes things happen that we cannot control and yes, we call it bad luck but when everything in your life that has gone wrong is due to bad luck, you have to admit that there is probably a common denominator to those events that has nothing to do with luck; that common denominator is you. You are the catalyst to your own bad luck.

When you take the mentality of a victim, you allow yourself to become a victim. When you take control of your own life, you become the creator of your own destiny. Which sounds like the better option?

The creator of your own destiny, naturally! The choice is yours. Having a negative attitude will taint your life in a negative way. It is the exact opposite of wearing rose colored glasses, because instead of everything looking happy and rosy, it will look glum and gray.

Gray is not a very happy way to see the world, is it? No. You want to be happy then you have to get rid of your negative mindset because it is turning your world gray and unhappy!

Negative thinking usually begins when we are children. We worry about fitting in. We worry about being happy.

As we get older we worry about not having enough money. We worry about things that could go wrong before they even happen and then when things do go wrong, we just shrug because we expected it.

What if I told you that when you expect the best, the best usually happens? No joke! The future is unknown and every single outcome that is unknown has the potential to be good or to be bad.

Why expect it to be bad when there is the same probability that it could be good. Unleash yourself from thinking in the negative and shift your gears.

Our emotions and actions are dictated by our thought patterns. Allowing negative thought patterns to take root in our head is a dangerous thing because then those roots of negativity will touch our every emotion and control our every action and reaction.

If you have positive thinking rooting in your mind, then your every emotion and your actions and reactions will be positive.

Now, things will still happen to you but when you are thinking positive you will be able to cope with them better. To be blunt, life is unpredictable and will still knock you down but instead of staying down in the dirt you will be able to get right back to your feet, dust yourself off and keep going.

Negative thinking will never allow you to move forward in life and positive thinking will help you overcome any and all obstacles that you come across.

How to Unleash the Power of Your Mind and Manifest Success: Unlocking Human Mind Potential

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