Читать книгу The Revolution We Expected - Claudio Naranjo - Страница 6




ONEFor a Politics of Consciousness

TWOFrom Inner Poverty to Multifaceted Spirituality

THREERehumanizing Education: Beyond the Financial Crisis, Inequality, and Violence

FOURFreedom: The Basis of Love

FIVEEducating for Love Through Self-Awareness

SIXWisdom Beyond Ego: Cultivating Awareness with Enneagram

SEVENHeading Toward Wisdom: The Recovery of the Intuitive Mind with the Humanities

EIGHTThe Potential of Meditation: Education of the Spirit Beyond Religions

NINEThe SAT Program for the Development of Self-Awareness and Love

TENThe Rehumanization of Companies: Necessary Change for the Economy and Society

ELEVENThe Global Consciousness, Mass Criticism, and the Power of Delegitimization

The Revolution We Expected

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