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The title of this book reflects the remarkable shift that has taken place in the last few years around the way companies approach the future. Before the great financial crash of 2008, they were loath to consider any other future than that assumed in their strategic plan. Looking at alternative scenarios was viewed as a waste of time, given that their forecasts were relatively accurate and their plans were pretty much on track. They brushed aside any uncomfortable information that might be in conflict with their vision. Focus was the name of the game. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted.

Against this fairly hostile background, Chantell Ilbury and I developed a technique of strategic thinking which was aligned to the mind of a fox. Always be on the alert for surprises beyond your control. Be proactive in grabbing opportunities and countering threats that arise through exceptional circumstances. Never bet the whole shop on a single future. Rather assess the different scenarios, flags and probabilities and make decisions that are resilient under a range of possibilities. Above all, be prepared to adapt to changes in the environment surrounding your business, as that one quality is the primary reason for corporate longevity. Our entire model is now contained in a single book entitled The Fox Trilogy.

Calling all Foxes, on the other hand, is a collection of columns that I have written over the past 18 months for the News24 website. It follows Foxy Futurists which featured my first set of columns. An underlying theme in both books is that we have moved from the age of information to the age of intelligence where survival and growth are determined by the extent to which a company (and indeed a nation) has an entrepreneurial skills set. Life has got a whole lot tougher since 2008: offering value for money and being original are prerequisites for success. Outfoxing the competition is essential.

The wonderful response we are now obtaining for our message on foxes from large and small enterprises alike – here in South Africa and beyond the country’s border – indicates an acceptance that the game has changed forever. If you are a fox, your time has truly come. There is no substitute for being bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and having a radar system second to none.

I would like to thank Aneeqa Emeran at News24 who assists me every week in publishing my articles and Gerhard Mulder for the production of this book. May the fox be with you both!

Calling all Foxes

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