Читать книгу THE American Citizens Handbook on Immigration - Clements Jarboe - Страница 6



Oath of Allegiance


“I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.”

First of all, thank you for being a part of this conversation. With that being said, I am always in awe of our oath of allegiance and what it signifies to us, the American citizen. It relays our responsibilities that made this country great.

Here are a few housekeeping items:

This conversation is meant to be viewed in the same context as a college textbook—that is, to inform and educate so that as a citizen, you can make the best decision in the voting booth.

I do not profess to be some great writer. The great majority of this conversation is taken from articles and reports gathered from close to two years of research. I have done my best to give credit where credit is due. I am, at most, a facilitator of the information presented.

The information within can be somewhat boring at times, given the statistical nature.

In the majority of the chapters, you will see “What you see” and “The complete story.” “What you see” is the popular narrative in the media, while “The complete story” is what the narrative has left out, taken out of context, or manipulated.

As you read through this conversation, please note there is no hidden agenda here.

I started just looking for the truth, something I could believe in. As you read, you could believe that I am taking the conservative side, when actually I’m taking the side of the new-victim identity—that of the american citizen.

Last time I checked, the American citizen was not one race or one religion but literally comprise of millions of people from all walks of life.

My personal perspective is that our political parties over the decades have replaced their main reason for being, from representing the people to representing their own party and agenda. They need to be reminded who they serve.

At times, you will find the facts and numbers presented here somewhat overwhelming and dry, if not at points boring. The intent is not to entertain but, as said before, to provide you with facts and figures to make an informed decision. I ask you not to reign with those of the “intellectually lazy.”

Personally, the journey on this compilation of facts and truths began when I questioned that from 2010 to 2017, the immigrant population increased from 40 million to 44.5 million for an 11.25 percent increase for that time, an increase of roughly 4.5 million, while illegal immigration on the other hand had reportedly decreased from 11.6 million to 10.7 million in the same time period—a drop of 0.9 percent or 10,400.

This is from the Pew Research Center:

Basically, our estimate of unauthorized immigrants is the total number of immigrants living in the country minus the number of immigrants living here as lawful residents. In concept, it’s a very simple relationship. There’s a lot that goes into producing the final estimate, but the basic estimate is just this difference.

I’ve got to tell you, you may tell me on one hand, the immigrant population increased 4.5 million in a span of seven years.

But on the other hand, the illegal population (basically a subset of the whole) decreased by 10,000.

The math doesn’t seem to work.

So I started nosing around on the internet and research articles. It appeared that all factions were cherry-picking their data or making vague statements to promote their own agenda.

Take one article on how illegal aliens contribute 19.5 billion in taxes, making them a productive contribution. And compare that with the article stating that illegal cost of Medicaid alone runs close to 18.5 billion, and something seems tainted. More on those numbers later.

Or how about assimilation into days society isn’t as important as when the majority of immigrants came through Ellis Island.

Add to the conflict that one article states most immigrants are hard workers and carry two jobs, while another article claims that the amount of immigrants on government programs are almost twice as high as natives.

Then there is the stance that immigrant crime rate is less than the natives,

While the department of justice maintains that 26 percent of all federal prisoners are alien.

And then there are the sanctuary cities.

Addressing all the issues would require a book that borders on the size of War and Peace.

All the above contradictions and conflict led me on this two-year journey for the truth.

So this conversation is going to research twelve main issues.

To start the conversation, the first chapter will be a brief overview of the rulings and laws that shaped our immigration structure today.

Once again, thank you for joining in on the conversation. I pray that I have done the subject justice. God bless and Godspeed.

THE American Citizens Handbook on Immigration

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