Читать книгу Miracle Out of the Mud - Cleon Dewey - Страница 4



Do you need a miracle to pull you out of your “mud”?

When cancer descended suddenly on me, and the doctor said I had three months to live, I dug deep into the reservoir of my faith. What I found changed me. The Word of God took root and became sustenance to my spirit, soul and body. I was calmly assured that God was not surprised by my circumstance; indeed, He was right there...taking me through, from the darkness of a death sentence, into the light of joyful, purposeful life...all for His glory.

My friends said, “Someone may die needlessly if you don’t share your story.” This book may save your life, or the life of someone close to you. I pray you find answers to questions screaming in your heart, and a path to victory, in its pages. It should at least persuade you that God hears and answers prayer, and He’ll answer yours...He may be answering yours right now.

Every person in this muddy world is going through something. Your mud may be different from mine and perhaps even more tragic than two terminal cancers. It’s not the mud that matters...it’s the Master. I stand confident that the grace of God, that brought me through my mud, will surely bring you through yours.

Everyone has a choice: curse the mud, or celebrate a miracle in the making!

I invite you to laugh and cry with me. Join me as we come face to face with the Master, who used mud to restore a blind man’s sight long ago. Together, let’s deal with our mud. Let's behold Him clearly, and give Him praise, honor and glory, for both the miracle and the mud.

My stomping grounds were the high plains of West Texas in the small towns of Lamesa and Littlefield. Truman and Pauline Cotton were loving parents to me and my older brother, Clois.

My wonderful husband, Levoy, and I met at Southwestern University, a small Bible School in Waxahachie, Texas. A singer and musician long before we met, Levoy was called to the ministry of evangelism with an emphasis on music. He was the director of music and youth for churches in Texas and Missouri for about the first six years of our marriage, while I played the piano.

Our daughters, Cindy and Susie, were four and five years old when we moved to Nashville, Tennessee, and started traveling full time. For the next 20 years we booked an average of 300 engagements annually. For the first five years, Levoy’s brother, Tim, and his wife, Sheryl, were part of our original group, “The Singing Deweys.” We recorded three albums with Hymntone Records in Mechanicsburg, PA, and the Heartwarming label of the Benson Company in Nashville. We also released five children’s albums, featuring our little girls. Levoy, Cindy, Susie and I played keyboards, saxophone, clarinet, flute, bassoon, banjo, guitar, mandolin, upright bass and other instruments. We also made four instrumental albums. We have produced and participated in dozens of gospel records, tapes, and CD’s. God inspired us to write many songs, including “Heaven’s Sounding Sweeter.” Our travels have taken us across the United States and to world mission outreaches in 33 foreign countries.

Cindy and Susie were schooled on a converted bus, rolling down the highways of America en route to concerts and services. One day I hope to pass along the fascinating adventures of our traveling experiences and the encounters that colored our lives.

Cindy married Mark Larson and they have three children: Rachel, Daniel and Andrew. Suzanne (Susie) married Nathan Young and they have two boys, Elijah and Benjamin. Our two delightful daughters and their families are the joy of our lives. You will get to know them better as you read.

The message we have delivered has not changed, lo these many years, although the method has. The anointing upon the music and the Word still breaks the yoke of bondage. We are amazed by the providence of the Almighty and the circumstances He allows to make us better-conditioned vessels.

Miracle Out of the Mud

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