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ОглавлениеFrom Chas. S. Deneen, Governor of Illinois:
"It is with pleasure that I am able to say that Detective Wooldridge has conducted all his cases with zeal and intelligence."
J. M. Longenecker, former State's Attorney, says:
"Mr. Wooldridge has thorough knowledge of evidence and is an expert in preparing a criminal case for trial. I have found him to be one of the most efficient officers in the Department."
R. W. McClaughrey, Warden of U. S. Prison at Leavenworth, Kans., Ex-Warden of Illinois State Penitentiary and Ex-Chief of Police of Chicago, says in a letter to the author:
"You were not only subject to bribes, but also frequently a target of perjurers and scoundrels of every degree. You came out from every ordeal unscathed, and maintained a character for integrity and fearlessness in the discharge of your duties that warranted the highest commendation. It gives me pleasure to make this statement."
J. J. Badenoch, Ex-General Supt. of Police, writing Mr. Wooldridge, says:
"Dear Sir—Before I retire from the command of the Police Department, I desire to thank you for your bravery and loyal service. The character of your work being such that bribes are frequently offered by the criminal class, it becomes necessary to select men of perfect integrity for the purpose, and I now know that I made no mistake in selecting you for this trying duty. It affords me great pleasure to commend you for your bravery and fidelity to your duties."
Nicholas Hunt, Inspector Commanding Second Division, says:
"I have known Clifton R. Wooldridge for the last ten years. As an officer he is par-excellent, absolutely without fear and with a detective ability so strongly developed it almost appealed to me as an extra sense. If I wanted to secure the arrest of a desperate man, I would put Mr. Wooldridge in charge of the case in preference to any one I know, as, with his bravery, he has discretion."
Geo. M. Shippy, Chief of Police, of Chicago, writing Mr. Wooldridge, says:
"Your heart is in the right place, and while I have always found you stern and persistent in the pursuit and prosecution of criminals, you were very kind and considerate, and I can truthfully say that more than one evil doer was helped to reform and was given material assistance by you."
Luke P. Colleran, Chief of Detectives, says:
"His book is most worthy and truthful and commendable; and I take pleasure in commending it to all."