Читать книгу Twenty Years a Detective in the Wickedest City in the World - Clifton R. Wooldridge - Страница 68
Trade Statements to Customer.
ОглавлениеThe manufacturer leaves the office. The loan shark gets busy with the statements, and stamps each of them:
"This account has been transferred to Killem's Mercantile Company. You are notified to pay this account to no one else."
These statements are mailed to the customers. When the manufacturer returns the loan shark greets him cordially and remarks:
"Unfortunately one of my clerks mailed out a lot of your statements last night, but I guess that won't matter. He stamped on them that they had been transferred to us and sent them out as he does everyone else's. He didn't understand. I am sorry."
As expected, the manufacturer, when he sees his business and confidence abused in this manner, flies into a rage. Then the suave agent takes the bull by the horns and issues his ultimatum.
"Our bank"—always "our bank"—"thinks we are not getting all the money coming to us from your account. They demand that in the future you deposit all your checks with us. I am sorry, for I know everything is straight, but your using us as a bank will last but a few days. Everything will then run smoothly again."
And unless some friend comes to the aid of the manufacturer the agency's prophecy comes true, and it does last but a little while.