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22 June 1492 – Palos


I had a very interesting talk with one of the friars at my lodgings in the monastery last night. He told me that another friar, Antonio de Marchena, had helped the Captain General when he went to see the King and Queen about his Enterprise of the Indies.

Friar Antonio is one of the wisest men in Spain. It seems that he was also one of the first to take the Captain General’s plan seriously, and he put in a good word for Colón when he was called to explain his idea to Their Majesties.

Now he’s helping again. Thanks to Friar Antonio, Martin Alonso Pinzon is going to join the expedition. Martin Alonso is probably the most important sea captain in Palos. He was away when the Royal Proclamation was read. Now he’s back in town, Friar Antonio must have advised him to get his name down for the voyage, before he misses the chance. If he joins the Captain General, other sailors in Palos will be sure to sign up too.

I’d better get down to the Captain General’s first thing in the morning.

The Lost Diary of Christopher Columbus’s Lookout

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