Читать книгу GenAdmin - Colin Charlton - Страница 6



To my mentors, especially Pat, Shirley, Bud, Linda, and Nancy, who taught me that my questions mattered, to my coauthors who taught me that questions are richer when asked and answered together, and to Karl for being the best one.


To my feminist mentors—Elizabeth, Hepsie, Nancy, and Jody—for teaching me early on about the need for balance. To my coauthors for making me think and laugh. To Cima and Eva for their furry friendship. To John for everything else.


To my mentors—Pat, Victor, Shirley, and Bud—for being steadfast and humane in their guidance, and for treating their students as full-fledged participants in the field. To A, C, J, and K for taking this project on. To Eric, for always making space for me to write.


To Shirley, Dick, Donna, Bud, and Gerry, for living what this book is about before I could articulate it. To those who have or will have the passion and conviction to embrace administrative work, most especially my four coauthors. To my mom and my sweet loves, Duncan, Ian, and Colin, who remind me what matters when I need it most. And especially to my dad, who would have told everyone he knew about his baby girl’s book.


To Mom and Dad, for the Zen of it all. To my partners in crime, for the comingling of voices. To Shirley, for asking me why I was here. And to J, for being the best answer I will ever think of.



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