Читать книгу Collins Pub Quiz: 10,000 easy, medium and difficult questions - Collins Puzzles - Страница 10
Оглавление1 What is the science and study of drawing maps known as?
2 Key Largo and Key West are off the coast of which US state?
3 What is the name of the line which can be found on world maps which divides the Earth into Northern and Southern hemispheres?
4 What astrological term describes a person born on St George’s Day?
5 In which modern country was the capital of the Incan empire?
6 What kind of animal is a Russian Blue?
7 If you were watching someone on a PGA tour what would you be watching?
8 What type of knife can also describe a thin heel on a shoe?
9 What is the Latin name for Scotland?
10 In which century was Botticelli born?
11 What is a quarter of 180?
12 Which model was known as “The Shrimp”?
13 What item of clothing do Americans call a vest?
14 Ash Wednesday is the first day of which period of fasting?
15 What is the fifth book of the New Testament?
16 In which comedy series did Ruth Madoc play Gladys Pugh?
17 By what name was Aragorn first known to Frodo in The Lord of the Rings?
18 In the TV series Thunderbirds, who was the pilot of the underwater rescue missions?
19 Which twilled cotton fabric is used to make jeans?
20 What colour is the paint cobalt?