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QUIZ 136 – Money

1 Which currency was adopted by Slovakia on January 1, 2009?

2 The tax introduced in the UK in 1989-90, commonly referred to as the the poll tax, had what actual name?

3 The phrase “In God We Trust” appears on coins from which country?

4 Which decimal coin originally had the Prince of Wales’ three feathers on the reverse?

5 Which Russian coin is equivalent to 100 kopeks?

6 Who was appointed Governor of the Bank of England in 2013?

7 What is the title of the Channel 5 series following the work of High Court enforcement officers?

8 What measure is used by finance companies to assess an individual’s financial reliability?

9 The initials APR stand for what?

10 What term is given to the upfront payment that an author receives to write a book?

11 In March 1988, what ceased to be legal tender in England?

12 How many sides has a 20-pence piece?

13 What is a downward adjustment to a country’s official exchange rate called?

14 Who presented the 2018 series Million Pound Menu?

15 A period in which banks reduce their lending is given what two-word term, much used in 2008?

16 What were the first two decimal coins issued in Britain?

17 In relation to debt, for what do the initials CCJ stand?

18 What term is given to the opposite of “boom” when describing the economy?

19 Who was Martin Lewis’ co-presenter on The Martin Lewis Money Show in 2018?

20 Which bird featured on the old coin the farthing?

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Collins Pub Quiz: 10,000 easy, medium and difficult questions

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