Читать книгу Collins Pub Quiz: 10,000 easy, medium and difficult questions - Collins Puzzles - Страница 162
Оглавление1 What make and model of car was driven by the Duke boys in the US TV series The Dukes of Hazzard?
2 Chalcedony, an agate often used in cameos, is a variety of which stone?
3 What is the capital of Jordan?
4 New Hampshire has which state flower?
5 What is the alternative name for a wildebeest?
6 According to the Bible, what sort of animal did Joseph’s brothers kill in order to smear his coat with blood?
7 Of which Indian state is Patna the capital…?
8 …and to which foodstuff does it lend its name?
9 What term is given to the four principal directions of the compass?
10 Which is the second-largest city in Zimbabwe?
11 In the TV series TJ Hooker, who played the title role?
12 The Potala Palace is in which city?
13 Into which body of water does the Zambezi River flow?
14 What did Mary Shelley originally intend to use as a title for her novel Frankenstein?
15 What is the book containing the texts used in Catholic services throughout the year?
16 GK Chesterton had what first names?
17 Which medieval humour was said to cause irascibility?
18 What is a celesta?
19 In the children’s TV series The Tweenies, what was the name of the main character who was a purple colour?
20 What type of creature is a Havana Brown?