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Nice to meet you…

Piacere, Emma.Nice to meet you, I’m Emma.
Piacere, io sono Anna e questo è Kevin.Nice to meet you, I’m Anna and this is Kevin.
Molto piacere, Sinclair.How do you do, my name’s Sinclair.
E tu sei Maria? Piacere di conoscerti.Are you Maria? Nice to meet you.
Piacere di conoscerla, avvocato Martini.Nice to meet You, Mr. Martini.


Italians often use titles like avvocato (lawyer), ingegnere (engineer), architetto (architect) when addressing professionals, even without the name of the person, for example Buongiorno architetto!, in the same way as we would address a doctor.

If you want to introduce yourself to somebody, you can say Piacere… and your name. A more formal way is to use Mi permetta di presentarmi,… (May I introduce myself,…).

Easy Learning Italian Conversation

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