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In most places, taxis are plentiful, reliable and not very expensive. The meter should be running unless there is a fixed fare (as is the case from some airports). Fare supplements may be added to the meter price for journeys at night, at weekends or for station/airport departures. Prices should be displayed on the inside window of the taxi.

I need a taxiNecesito un taxi ne-the-see-to oon taksee
Where is the taxi stand?¿Dónde está la parada de taxis? ¿donde esta la pa-ra-da de taksees?
straightawayenseguida en-se-gee-da
for (time)para las… pa-ra las…
How much is the taxi fare…?¿Cuánto cuesta ir en taxi…? ¿kwanto kwesta eer en taksee…?
into townal centro al thentro
to the hotelal hotel al o-tel
to the stationa la estación a la es-ta-thyon
to the airportal aeropuerto al a-e-ro-pwair-to
to this addressa esta dirección a esta dee-rek-thyon
Please take me/us to…¿Me/Nos lleva a … por favor? ¿me/nos lye-ba a … por fa-bor?
Keep the changeQuédese con la vuelta ke-de-se kon la bwelta
Sorry, I don’t have any changeLo siento, no tengo nada de cambio lo syento, no tengo na-da de kambyo
Collins Gem

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