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Maps and guides

The local tourist information office will usually be able to provide local maps. The word for map is harita (ha-ree-ta).

Where can I buy a map?Nereden harita alabilirim? ne-re-den ha-ree-ta a-la-bee-lee-reem?
Do you have a road map?Yol haritanız var mı? yol ha-ree-ta-nuhz var muh?
Do you have a town plan?Şehir planı var mı? she-heer pla-nuh var muh?
Do you have a leaflet/guidebook in English?İngilizce broşür/rehber var mı? een-gee-leez-dje bro-shewr/reh-ber var muh?
Can you show me where … is on the map?Haritada … gösterebilir misiniz? ha-ree-ta-da … gurs-te-re-beeleer mee-see-neez?
Collins Gem

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