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Car hire

You must obtain an international driving permit prior to leaving your country. You also need to carry your own national licence while driving in Japan. You will be required to produce your international driving permit to rent a car.

運転免許証 unten-menkyoshoodriving licence
総合保険 soogoohokenfully comprehensive insurance

I want to hire a car車をかりたいですkuruma o karitai desu
for … days…日…nichi
with automatic gearsオートマ車ootoma sha
What are your rates…?…料金はいくらですか…ryookin wa ikura desu ka?
per day一日のichinichi no
per week一週間のisshuukan no
How much is the deposit?保証金はいくらですかhoshookin wa ikura desu ka?
Do you take credit cards?クレジットカードは使えますかkurejitto kaado wa tsukaemasu ka?
Is there a charge per mile/kilometre?走行距離の支払いはありますかsookoo-kyori no shiharai wa arimasu ka?
Does the price include fully comprehensive insurance?この金額は総合保険料を含んでいますかkono kingaku wa soogoohoken-ryoo o fukunde imasu ka?
Must I return the car here?車はここに返さなければいけませんかkuruma wa koko ni kaesanakereba ikemasen ka?
By what time?何時までにですかnan-ji made ni desu ka?
I’d like to leave it in…… に置いてきたいです… ni oite kitai desu

車はガソリンを満タンにして返してください kuruma wa gasorin o mantan ni shite kaeshite kudasaiPlease return the car with a full tank
Collins Gem

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