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Why Charity?
The Challenge of “Why?”
ОглавлениеWhy donate to this charity and not that one? Why carry out this program and not that one? Why work in this charitable field and not another one?
When it comes to talking about charity, “Why?” is often the elephant in the room. Politeness and hesitancy to critique the seemingly well-intentioned actions of others often prevents the question from even reaching our lips. Asking it seems to go against the spirit of charity. It could lead to hurt feelings. It could also lead to our own charitable actions being called into question, and if that happens, we might find ourselves at a loss for answers. If we are serious about making the world a better place though, there is nothing more important than asking that fundamental question of all charitable decisions: “Why?”
This little book is intended as a challenge. It is a challenge to get serious about charity. The challenge rests on two premises:
1. The first premise is that the goal of charity is to make the world a better place. It is to help those who are suffering and to increase well-being.
2. The second premise is that in whatever capacity you carry out charity – as a donor, a volunteer, or a non-profit worker – you want to succeed as much as possible.
If you disagree – if you think that the goal of charity is to benefit yourself or if you don't care how much your charity work actually improves the world – then this book won't be of use to you.
But if you do agree, then the challenge of this book, and the challenge of charity, is simple: keep those two premises in mind at all times, ask “Why?” of all charitable decisions, and follow that path where it leads you. It's a path that's sometimes uncomfortable and often surprising, but it's well worth the effort. The further along the path we go, the more power we'll have to truly change the world for the better.