Читать книгу The Cliff Ruins of Canyon de Chelly, Arizona - Cosmos Mindeleff - Страница 4



Illustrations have been placed as close as practicable to their discussion in the text. Page numbers refer to their original location in the printed book: Figures on text pages, Plates facing text pages.

Plate XLI. Map of the ancient pueblo region, showing location of Canyon de Chelly 79
XLII. Map of Canyon de Chelly and its branches 85
XLIII. Detailed map of part of Canyon de Chelly, showing areas of cultivable land 93
XLIV. Section of old walls, Canyon de Chelly 95
XLV. General view of ruin on bottom land, Canyon del Muerto 97
XLVI. Village ruin in Canyon de Chelly 103
XLVII. Casa Blanca ruin, Canyon de Chelly 105
XLVIII. Mummy cave, central and eastern part 112
XLIX. Eastern cove of Mummy cave 115
L. Reservoir in ruin No. 10 127
LI. Small village, ruin No. 16, Canyon de Chelly 129
LII. Walls resting on refuse in ruin No. 16 131
LIII. Cliff outlook in lower Canyon de Chelly 149
LIV. Cliff ruin No. 14 151
LV. Site marked by pictographs 153
LVI. Site difficult of approach 159
LVII. Masonry in Canyon de Chelly 161
LVIII. Chinked walls in Canyon de Chelly 163
LIX. A partly plastered wall 165
LX. Plastered wall in Canyon de Chelly 167
LXI. Storage cist in Canyon de Chelly 169
LXII. Navaho burial cists 171
LXIII. Kivas in ruin No. 10, showing second-story walls 173
Figure 1. Ground plan of an old ruin in Canyon del Muerto 95
2. Ground plan of a ruin on bottom land in Canyon del Muerto 96
3. Ground plan of small ruin in Canyon de Chelly 96
4. Granary in the rocks, connected with a ruin 97
5. Ground plan of a ruin in a cave 98
6. Ground plan of Pakashi-izini ruin, Canyon del Muerto 99
7. Ground plan of a ruin in Canyon del Muerto 100
8. Ground plan of a ruin in Tseonitsosi canyon 100
9. Ground plan of a much obliterated ruin 101
10. Ground plan of a ruin in Canyon de Chelly 101
11. Ground plan of a village ruin 103
12. Ground plan of kivas in Canyon de Chelly 103
13. Ground plan of a small ruin on bottom land 104
14. Ground plan of the upper part of Casa Blanca ruin 105
15. Ground plan of the lower part of Casa Blanca ruin 106
16. Ground plan of Mummy Cave ruin 113
17. Ruin in a rock cove 117
18. Ground plan of a ruin in a rock cove 117
19. Ground plan of a ruin on a ledge 118
20. Ground plan of ruin No. 31, Canyon de Chelly 119
21. Ground plan of ruin No. 32, Canyon de Chelly 120
22. Section of a kiva wall 122
23. Ruin No. 10 on a ledge in a cove 123
24. Ground plan of ruin No. 10 124
25. Oven-like structure in ruin No. 10 127
26. Plan of oven-like structure 128
27. Ground plan of a small village, ruin No. 16 129
28. Ruins on a large rock 130
29. Ground plan of ruins No. 49 131
30. Ruins on an almost inaccessible site 133
31. Ground plan of a large ruin in Canyon del Muerto 134
32. Ground plan of a small ruin in Canyon del Muerto 135
33. Ground plan of a small ruin 135
34. Plan of a ruin of three rooms 136
35. Ground plan of a small ruin, with two kivas 136
36. Ground plan of a small ruin, No. 44 137
37. Ground plan of a ruin on a rocky site 137
38. Rock with cups and petroglyphs 138
39. Ground plan of a ruin in Canyon de Chelly 139
40. Site showing recent fall of rock 140
41. Ruin No. 69 in a branch canyon 140
42. Ground plan of a small ruin in Canyon del Muerto 140
43. Ground plan of a small ruin 141
44. Plan of a ruin with curved inclosing wall 141
45. Ground plan of ruin No. 34 142
46. Ground plan of cliff outlook No. 35 143
47. Plan of a cliff outlook 143
48. Plan of cliff ruin No. 46 144
49. Plan of cliff room with partitions 145
50. Plan of a large cliff outlook in Canyon del Muerto 145
51. Plan of a cluster of rooms in Canyon del Muerto 146
52. White House ruin in Tseonitsosi canyon 146
53. Ground plan of a ruin in Tseonitsosi canyon 147
54. Plan of rooms against a convex cliff 147
55. Small ruin with curved wall 147
56. Ground plan of a cliff outlook 148
57. Plan of cliff outlook No. 14, in Canyon de Chelly 148
58. Ground plan of outlooks in a cleft 149
59. Plan of a single-room outlook 149
60. Three-room outlook in Canyon del Muerto 150
61. Plan of a two-room outlook 150
62. Plan of outlook and burial cists, No. 64 150
63. Plan of rectangular room, No. 45 151
64. Rectangular single room 151
65. Single-room remains 152
66. Site apparently very difficult of access 158
67. Notched doorway in Canyon de Chelly 164
68. Cist composed of upright slabs 169
69. Retaining walls in Canyon de Chelly 172
70. Part of a kiva in ruin No. 31 175
71. Plan of part of a kiva in ruin No. 10 176
72. Kiva decoration in white 177
73. Pictograph in white 178
74. Markings on cliff wall, ruin No. 37 178
75. Decorative band in kiva in Mummy Cave ruin 179
76. Design employed in decorative band 180
77. Pictographs in Canyon de Chelly 181
78. Plan of chimney-like structure in ruin No. 15 182
79. Section of chimney-like structure in ruin No. 15 183
80. Plan of chimney-like structure in ruin No. 16 184
81. Section of chimney-like structure in ruin No. 16 185
82. Plan of the principal kiva in Mummy Cave ruin 186
83. Chimney-like structure in Mummy Cave ruin 187

Plate XLI. Ancient Pueblo Region

Showing Location of Canyon De Chelly

Larger View

The Cliff Ruins of Canyon de Chelly, Arizona

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