Читать книгу A Bosman Companion - Craig Mackenzie - Страница 6
ОглавлениеThe Anniversary Edition of Herman Charles Bosman (1997–2005) is the standard reference:
CJ = A Cask of Jerepigo
CSJ = Cold Stone Jug
H = Homecoming
IT = Idle Talk
JN = Jacaranda in the Night
L&O = My Life and Opinions
MR = Mafeking Road and Other Stories
OTS = Old Transvaal Stories
S&H = Seed-time and Harvest and Other Stories
UD = Unto Dust and Other Stories
VS = Verborge Skatte
W = Willemsdorp
WS = Wild Seed
YB = Young Bosman
Frequently cited secondary works:
BtL = Between the Lines (Rosenberg, 2005)
HCB = Herman Charles Bosman (ed. Gray, 1986)
IB = The Illustrated Bosman (1985)
IKH = Herman Charles Bosman as I Knew Him (Sachs, 1974)
LS = Life Sentence (Gray, 2005)
RB = Remembering Bosman (ed. Gray, 2008)
(See Bibliography for full details of these texts.)
General abbreviations:
Afr. = Afrikaans
BCE = Before the Common Era
CE = Common Era
Dut. = Dutch
Eng. = English
Fr. = French
Ger. = German
HCB = Herman Charles Bosman
HRHRC = Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center (at the University of Texas at Austin)
Lat. = Latin
Lit. = literally
OSL = Oom Schalk Lourens
SA = South Africa