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Phillip stayed home for much of the time during the year and a half of Patty’s battle with cancer. Her strength, courage and faith during that time were nothing less than God’s grace and love for her during the last few days of her life. One of her last evenings he took her to the bed and lied her down. Patty looked into his eyes and said “Phillip I love you!” He gave her a kiss and told her how much he loved her as he pulled the covers around her and turned out the light.

The following morning her call to him was low, muffled and without strength. He went into her room. Usually, he supported her on one side as she took very small unbalanced steps into the family room where she would try to eat, take her medication and rest for the day.

On that day she looked at him with fear and sorrow. Softly she said, “Phillip, I can’t. Please, I can’t get up today. I can hardly move.” She lied in pain with a haze that settled over her eyes. No longer did he see the bright beautiful glow that beamed from her. The glow had disappeared that had once captivated him. First, Phillip called the doctor and then their children. The doctor reminded him that there was nothing left to do, but to make her as comfortable as possible.

Within a short time, his children arrived. They spent the remaining few days of their mother’s life by her bedside as they ministered to her and prayed for her.

Continually, they were there for her, spending time with her and doing whatever they could to help. Phillip’s two eldest daughters were registered nurses and did things for her as no one else could. During those last days, he carried her in and out of the bathroom, cleaned her, changed her wound dressings, dressed her and placed her back in her bed. The children sat by her bedside, talked and read to her from the Bible and prayed for her.

They held back the tears while ministering to her. Then they would leave the room to cry. Phillip recalled Patty turning to their daughter and asking her, “What’s wrong? What’s going on? Why can’t I move? Why am I feeling like this? I am having such hard time breathing.” Her daughter sat with her and explained it to her as she ministered to her through prayer and the word of God.

He recalled those last few days and the agony. His daughters consulted with the doctors and they were able to administer medication to assist in relieving Patty’s pain. She did not want to be admitted for what they call palliative care or care before death. It was her desire that if the Lord would take her, she would go to her Heavenly home from the earthly one with family by her side. As difficult as it was at times, Phillip was going to honor her request.

They prayed and cried and prayed and cried. God’s grace was sufficient and He gave them strength to guide, love and care for her as she was preparing to embark on the greatest event and transformation of her life.

The final day of her bed-ridden state had arrived. That morning, the entire family was present. Patty’s breathing became very shallow and she struggled to continue to get a breath of air. She was still able to speak softly and with a few words. They were words of love as the entire family sat in the room with her coming in and out during the early part of the day.

A few days earlier, Phillip was cutting grass and trimming the edges. He recalled how Patty had asked one of the children to go to him with a large cold drink and ask him to stop for a while. She was worried because it was such a hot day and she did not want anything to happen to him.

Phillip and his daughter smiled at each other at the thought of her concern. Near the back of the yard, he noticed a vine growing straight up. It was very green a new shoot growing tall. The vine was growing out of what seemed to be a dead plant. He remembered that it was the rose bush he had weed-whacked and ran over a year earlier that never seemed to grow back.

Patty reminded him to be careful. It seemed he was continually cutting or whacking down something that she had planted. It became a point of laughter between them. Out of the brown lower branches that appeared to be dead was a bright green and thick branch shooting straight up, about five feet tall.

At the end of the branch was a large red bud. Phillip was amazed, he could not believe it. He ran inside to tell Patty. She smiled and seemed more amused by his excitement than the rose. He made sure that all of the children went outside to see what he thought was dead and now somehow alive.

Prior to her death, toward the afternoon of her final day, Phillip walked into the rear of the back yard. In all its glory, there was the biggest single red rose. It was deep passion red in full bloom and in all its glory! It was beautiful and was the only thing on the bush that looked alive.

He rushed back into the house and took the kitchen shears, reached into the highest cabinet where they kept fine crystal glassware that they had since the early years of their marriage. He filled the tall crystal glass three quarters full with cool tap water, he ran into the backyard where the rose stood tall in full bloom.

He measured it with his eye, about eight to twelve inches down the vine. He cut it on an angle and placed it in the crystal glass.

Phillip returned to the house and walked into Patty’s bedroom. On the end table next to her, he placed the glass that carried the rose. In a soft tone and while fighting for breath, Patty said, “Phillip, it’s beautiful”. There in the room, the girls and his son could not believe the beauty of the rose. Patty loved it whenever Phillip brought her flowers. Each time he brought her roses.

As he prayed and the pictures of those last days had played in his mind, tears ran down his cheeks and onto his hands as he recalled the memory of that day. Everyone was in the room. One by one, the children left as Phillip and Patty had some time alone together. He stroked her hair and spoke of his love for her. He prayed and looked into her eyes.

A heaviness of sorrow came over him as he wept and positioned himself at the foot of the bed so she would not see him crying so hard. He kneeled, placed his face on her feet, and began to sob uncontrollably. She could not see him but heard him and could feel his tears as they fell upon her feet.

After a time, he moved closer toward the top of the bed and she was able to place one of her hands on his head. He longed for that touch. He recalled the times they would sit together, relaxing, and enjoying each other’s company, she would put her hand on his head and stroke his hair and Phillip would feel such love from her. How she loved him. He stayed in that position for a time.

Her breathing was getting more and more difficult. He called for the girls to see if they could help her. Phillip left to wash and put cold water on his face. One of the girls knocked on the door and said, “Dad, you better come in right now. It’s time for mom to go.”

Phillip went back into her room, the children were seated around the bed. He looked at Patty, she closed her eyes. At times, he could see her struggle to open them and small openings would appear and close again. As he looked at her, he was amazed, her face no longer showed the pain, anguish and years that illness had added. Her face was bright, glowing and youthful again and as beautiful as ever. Her breathing became slower, everyone was talking to her, praying aloud and told her they will see her soon on the other side.

The praise of God filled the room with encouraging words of Heaven and the Lord Jesus Christ. Phillip began to speak out to her, “I’ll see you there my love! It won’t be long. I’ll see you there.” Then the Spirit of God flooded the room. It was as if she was giving birth. He had been there to see all their children born, she had the same bright beautiful face and the hard struggle. She was birthing to the other side, into Heaven and the arms of our loving Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Phillip felt a breeze and looked at the nightstand that was near the window. The petals of the rose blew off one at a time, a few landing near the bed. When Patty stopped breathing, his eldest daughter was standing by the head of the bed, looked at her Dad and said, “She is with the Lord now, Dad.” A quiet came over the room as all were silently praying. Some of the children cried softly. God almighty had called her home.

The room grew darker as time moved deeper into the night. The only traces of light came in from a streetlight and the night sky gently casting shadows through the window. The presence of the Lord filled the room and overshadowed Phillip. He began to give thanks to God for Patty, the children and the awesome love he had experienced.

He prayed and softly spoke these words into the stillness. “Lord, thank you for my wife. I loved her so much. Father, I don’t know how to move on from here. I don’t know how to continue. I’m not sure what to do, but I thank you Jesus. I have made so many mistakes. Lord, I just seem to keep going backward and further down. I just lose more and more. Patty would be so mad at me God if she was able to see all I have lost and my inability to do the right thing. Somehow, I must find a way and continue in faith to show the kind of strength I know she would have had. Lord Jesus, forgive me. Sometimes I feel so lost and confused. I need you now, more than ever. Forgive me Lord and help me. I have so much to thank you for and so much to live for. Father, at times it seems I’m trying to wake up from a dream. Lord, stir my heart. Revive my spirit and shake me loose from this heaviness and sorrow. Help me Lord, please. Abide in me and give me my strength and purpose back. Take hold of my life. Abide in me Lord. Awaken me Father and give me life again.”

As he prayed, within his mind he could see a train. Again, he thought of 161st Street, but just ignored it and focused more on his prayer. With thankfulness, he continued to pray these words, “I thank you for my children Lord God and all they have become in you. I love them so much and Patty, you know Lord how she loved her children and grandchildren. You know how she contended for them in faith. Every night in prayer, she poured out her heart and loved in tears to you Father. She gave so much of herself to us all and loved so deeply. Lord God, the grandchildren meant so much to her. She could never stop talking about them. They brought her so much joy. Her eyes would shine like diamonds whenever she was with them. She showed them nothing less then pure love. I pray they will always remember her. I miss her so much.”

His thoughts carried him back again to the day when his children had demonstrated God’s grace and love. After Patty’s death, the girls made sure he called the funeral home and arranged to have her body removed. His son stayed by his side.

The girls washed her body and put on some of her favorite jewelry and a nightgown that was so beautiful and long, royal blue with detailed embroidery. After he had made the call, he stepped back in the room and could not believe the care his daughters had taken with her body. It had to be God’s grace.

As he knelt in the darkness, his thoughts carried him to the day of her funeral. It was a small church service within forty-eight hours of her death. A small church in town had hosted the funeral.

At Patty’s insistence, they had purchased burial plots there on the grounds just months before Patty’s death. He recalled the day he purchased the plots and what a difficult task it was.

The church seated about seventy to eighty people and was built in the early nineteen hundreds. They were not members there, Phillip’s daughter had told Patty and him about it. Her husband’s family were members and it was close to home. They had some available plots that were very nice and it seemed right.

The Pastor gave the family the option to use the church for the service and Phillip agreed. He thought of his family and those that were there that day. They had driven a distance to get there, most had traveled before while she was battling her illness. They wanted to be with Patty and help in anyway they could.

Phillip had an older brother, a sister and a younger brother, his older brother had gone home to be with the Lord only a few years prior to Patty. When he was very young, the family had moved south. They moved because of some trouble that had come his parent’s way. They thought it would be best to have a new beginning and a distant move.

His parents were not very religious people but they did believe. Both of them were from a Catholic background. His father would attend church on various holidays during the year. His Mom would never attend because of her painful past. She had explained to him why she never attended and shared some of the pain she endured when Phillip was a young boy.

Her mother had died when she was two or three and her father was not able to care for the family. They placed her into an orphanage that the nuns ran. She recalled in detail the harsh treatment she had received that separated her from religion but not from God. At times, her view of God was confused. Nevertheless, she would pray with the children in the evening as they went to bed. Phillip was a quiet and well-behaved child. They grew up with very little but more than others.

His younger brother suffered with many medical aliments and there were times Phillip did not know if he would live. He would lay next to him while holding him as he fought for breath while waiting for transportation to the hospital.

Most of the time, his mother was sick and this caused panic attacks for his younger brother. His older brother would act out and escape any worry or pain, his own way of handling it.

Trying to keep things together, his dad was continually working long hours for little pay. All the time, there was spiritual warfare taking place. There were times when Phillip became very ill and ran very high temperatures. This happened between the ages of six and nine.

Repeatedly, he would see the same visions on the wall. He saw a very large being with huge hands and arms sitting against a truck with a large tire next to him. He was trying to get him to drink from his cup. He knew this being was something to fear and was evil. He would scream for his mother to come and help. She entered and sat with him until he would fall asleep.

One morning he saw them. He was lying with his Mother in bed. It was daylight and the sun was streaming in the window. Standing in the hall, a large being was watching them from a distance. It seemed part human and part animal. It was extremely large and each time it appeared in a mist or shadow. He screamed to his mother, but she saw nothing and told him to stop. He watched the being walk down the hall, into the main room and exit. The evil was real and he had seen it. For some time, that force would affect the family as it does in many families and people.

Later in life, he connected the spiritual attacks on his family with the woman who lived on the corner and across the street from them when he was a child. She read palms, tarot cards and was a medium for speaking to the dead. Along with other services, she was involved in astrology and reading the stars for her clients. She became very interested in their family and seemed to be around more than casually.

At all hours of the day and evening, there were people continually going in and out of her house. Her strongest affect was on Phillip’s mother and older brother and that influence infected the entire family. There would be a plan that would lead to redemption and life.

After about seven years, the family moved and returned to the area they had left. During his grade school and high school years, Phillip continued a troubled and confused life. He seemed to attract other confused and troubled friends. He found himself doing things and acting in ways he never desired. From a quiet and thoughtful child, he found himself in a constant spiral downward into sin and shame.

Later, during his time in the military, his addiction to alcohol grew and began to consume him. He battled against it with all that he could, but he did not have the power.

The powers of darkness drove him deeper into despair and thoughts of suicide began to enter his mind. All along, it was their plan to kill and destroy him and turn his soul over to the prince of darkness, but God had a different plan.

The Unlikely Prophet

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