Читать книгу Mystery Date - Crystal Green - Страница 4


Dear Reader,

Welcome to the second book in the Harlequin Blaze duet that started with Lead Me On!

In the first story, our heroine, Leigh Vaughn, created a sexy “date basket” for a charity auction—only, the highest bidder refused to reveal his identity. You’re about to find out who he is…and what kind of erotic games he has planned… Whew! Is it getting hot in here? :)

You’re also going to see if Dani and Riley, our wedding-bound lovebirds from Book One, make it to the altar. Does Dani have a case of cold feet that will stop them in their tracks? Read on.…

I hope you have a great time with this book and that you keep in contact with me at my site, www.crystal-green.com, and through Twitter (@CrystalGreenMe)!

Happy endings to you all.

Crystal Green

Mystery Date

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