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Dayna yawned and stretched, rolling onto her side. Damn, she ached. Why did it feel like she’d strained every muscle in her body? Then reality returned, and her eyes flew open. Empty condom wrappers littered the nightstand and floor like garish confetti. Jake threw his leg over hers, his arms wrapping around her from behind.

“Oh, my God.” Shock rocketed through her as memories of the night before flooded in. She’d had just enough alcohol to throw her control out the window, but not so much that she didn’t remember every erotic detail of fucking her brother’s best friend.

Holy shit, what had she done?

No, what was she still doing?

Jake’s chest pressed to her back, pushing her torso forward a bit until her ass cradled against his groin. His long cock prodded at the entrance of her pussy, stretching her as he slid in one hard inch at a time. Her breath hissed out, and she clenched her teeth. The way he had her legs pinned together under the weight of his made his penetration sting, but her body was already heating and responding to his, morphing the burn of it into dark ecstasy. She couldn’t think; every thought, every protest, every reason she shouldn’t be doing this was ripped away in the whirlpool of sensation that sucked her down into the abyss. She scrabbled for the fleeing edges of her sanity. “Condom,” she gasped.

A sleep-roughened chuckle answered her. “I put it on when I knew you were awake. We’re covered. Or, I am, actually.”

Her fingers fisted in her pillowcase, and she breathed through her nose to push through the pleasure-pain as he worked the entire length of his long cock into her dampening core. She whimpered. “Oh, my God, that’s tight.”

“Tell me about it.” A harsh sound burst from his throat, and his thigh tightened around hers. He eased halfway out of her and then pushed back in.

Shivers skittered over her skin, fire and ice racing in the wake of the pain. God, she was so wet. The angle would be impossible if she wasn’t. Arching her body, she tried to free herself from the leg pinioning her. His arm held her in place, his palm stroking over her breasts, tweaking each nipple in turn. Desperation burned through her as the craving sharpened. She moved one hand, clamping it over his knee. The crisp hair stimulated her palm. “Let me loose.”

“No.” He kept up that same slow, deep rhythm. It pushed her right to the edge without letting her fall over.

“Then move. Go faster. Harder. Something.” Her nails sank into his flexing muscles, frustration clawing at her like a wild thing. “Damnit, move your ass, Taylor.”

“Sorry, sweetheart. No dice.” The light calluses on the pads of his fingers rasped against the underside of her breast, adding another sensation to those threatening to overwhelm her. His lips brushed over the back of her neck, his short goatee tickling her skin and making her shiver.


His fingertips swirled up to tease her nipples until she wanted to scream. She bit her lip, raking her nails up his thigh. He just chuckled, prying her hand off his leg. “What’s in it for me? You’re just going to pretend this never happened as soon as we’re done.”

It was true. She knew it. He knew it. Her chest heaved with panting little gasps. She shook her head, denying his words. At this point, she was willing to sell her soul to make him let her come. “I—”

Burying his cock deep inside her, he stopped moving. “Don’t even bother trying to deny it. I know you too well. You’re a perfectionist.”

Tears burned her eyes. He held her down, wouldn’t let her escape what he was saying, what he was doing, what he was making her feel. Terror exploded inside her, whipping together with the desire and pain and desperation. It was too much. She didn’t know how to take it all in. She shouldn’t be doing this, shouldn’t want this, yet her body wouldn’t be denied. A sob caught in her throat. “P—please, Jake.”

“Has being so focused on perfection and being so uptight made you happy?” He twisted her nipple hard, demanding a response.

Her lips pressed together, and she didn’t say anything. She tried wriggling again, but she couldn’t budge an inch. Damnit. Her muscles burned as she strained, sweat sliding down her skin in moist beads.

“I know you don’t want to hear this.” His tongue flicked out, trailing a line of fire down her shoulder. “Maybe you should try loosening up a little, see if that gets you different results.”

He was right about one thing—she didn’t want to talk about this, didn’t want to listen. She jerked against his hold, pulling his hand away from her breast. It didn’t stop the harsh throb of need between her legs or the way her vaginal walls clenched around his hard cock. Clinging to what little remained of her control, she managed to get out, “I’m not like you or my family, Jake. I like order and consistency. I like getting up and going to bed at decent hours; I don’t like to drink all night. I know to you that seems boring, but I like to know where and when I’ll be sleeping every night.”

He tsked low in his throat. “There’s a difference between keeping your life sane and keeping it so sane you’re borderline OCD.” He leaned close so he could speak softly in her ear, his voice dropping to a rough, silken purr. “And admit it, losing a little control last night, being a little naughty, was a lot of fun, wasn’t it?”

“It was irresponsible. Hell, it’s still irresponsible, considering you’re inside me.” And not as far inside her as she wanted. Guilt, anger, and self-disgust rolled through her. A tear slipped down her cheek. This wasn’t her—the Dayna she knew herself to be would never do this, not with the least appropriate man on the planet. What was wrong with her? “This is crazy.”

He rewarded that comment with a quick swat to her thigh. She squeaked and twisted, but it got her nowhere. This conversation was not what she wanted to be doing right now. She wanted him to stop. She wanted him to never stop. She needed to forget everything but the desires within her, needed him to fuck her senseless the way he had the night before. A hot flush burned her cheeks at the reminder of how wild it had been. Tingles spread down her limbs. She wanted more of that, and she knew she shouldn’t. Madness. This was complete and utter madness. What the hell was she doing there? She’d been engaged to one man yesterday, and this morning she was in another man’s bed.

“I can make you feel this good every night you’re here, sweetheart.” Every word was a deep, hypnotic rumble of sound. He could tempt a saint to sin with that voice. His fingers slid over her ribs and up until he fondled her breasts again. “It’ll be a Christmas you’ll never forget. I’ll make sure you’re on Santa’s naughty list next year.”

She shivered, fighting the pull of him. This couldn’t happen again, no matter how good it felt. It was totally and completely irrational. It was something her mother would do. But her body didn’t give a damn what her mind knew. His dick slid out of her one slow inch at a time before stretching her channel again as he filled her. Her nerve endings rioted, screeching for more. As she closed her eyes, her body quivered.

“No.” She licked her lips, desperately trying to follow the thread of the conversation. “We can never do this again.”

“You don’t really want me to stop now, do you?” that black-magic voice continued, and his thrusts into her pussy picked up speed. Just a little. Just enough to make her body shriek with want. He opened his mouth over the sensitive spot where her shoulder met her neck, scraping his teeth over the tendon there. “Do you, Dayna?”

“No,” she whimpered. If he didn’t fuck her hard soon, she was going to die. Lava flowed through her veins, made her heart pound. Catching his hand again, she guided his fingers down her stomach and between her legs. He obliged by stroking her clit at the same leisurely pace as his cock. She hissed out a breath. Who knew the wild child had this much control in bed? Damn him. “Just this once. Just one more time. Make me come.”

And then she said nothing more because his leg freed hers. She opened her thighs, arching against him as he shoved deep inside her pussy. The slap of skin against skin and their harsh breathing were the only sounds she heard. She closed her eyes, tears leaking from the corners at the intense sensations rolling through her. He rubbed her clit in a fast, grinding rhythm that made her mouth open in a silent scream. He slammed inside her twice more before her whole world coalesced into blinding white light behind her lids. Her pussy contracted, pulsing around his cock. He kept moving within her, and each stroke set off another wave of orgasm. Her tortured lungs sobbed for air as it went on and on, shoving her beyond any pleasure she’d ever known before. His groan echoed in her ear as his big, hard body locked tight and he seated himself deeper than he’d ever been.

She shattered, everything within her crumbling as she screamed. Some distant part of her mind wondered if she’d ever be the same again. It should have scared her, but it didn’t.

“I’m sorry, Jake.” Guilt flickered through those hazel eyes, making Jake grit his teeth and clench his fingers on the steering wheel just to hang on to his control.

Dayna regretted sleeping with him. It pissed him off. A lot.

Baring his teeth at her in a rough semblance of a smile, he tried to pretend it didn’t matter. “So you’re going to try to get back together with him when you get home?”

“I was happy with him.”

And that sent him over the edge. He snorted. “Oh, give me a break. You are so bored with your life you don’t even know what to do with yourself.”

Her eyes widened with shock and then narrowed in anger. “I am perfectly happy—”

“If you’re so fucking happy, Dayna, why did you spend last night in my bed?” He arched an eyebrow at her, daring her to contradict him. “If you were so in love with that jackass, you would never have slept with me, let alone come more times than I could count.”

“So now you’re calling me a slut?” Her face went ghostly pale, and then angry splotches colored her cheeks.

“You’re about as far from a slut as possible.” He shook his head, wanting to shake her and then take her over his lap and spank her. The thought of spanking her brought vivid memories of the night before roaring back, and his cock hardened in an instant. Shit. “You’re so uptight, I’m amazed you unwound long enough to get off, let alone that many times.”

She shoved the passenger door open. “Gee, if your morning-after routine is always this sweet, it’s no wonder you end up dropping so many of the women you’re always juggling.”

“That isn’t true, and you know it.” Sam had always done the one-night-stand thing, but Jake was more of a serial monogamist. Dayna knew about his parents, knew why he’d never been one to sleep around on a woman. So now it was his turn to glare, and before she slammed the door, he spat, “Besides, I didn’t hear you complaining last night.”

No, she’d screamed, clawed at his back, and begged for more. He watched her disappear into Rainbow’s cabin as he backed out of the driveway. Damn, this morning had started out with such promise and gone to hell the moment Dayna had gotten out of his bed. It made him want to snarl. He’d been waiting for years to peel back the layers of the good girl, knowing underneath the cool exterior he’d find fire hot enough to incinerate. Even then, she’d blown his expectations out of the water last night. He wanted more. Everything inside him craved it.

Crave. He paused, his insides tightening. His father had craved his mother, and look where that had landed him. No, Jake would never love or need a woman like that. He jerked his chin to the side. He wasn’t his father, and he knew Dayna was leaving. He knew exactly what he was doing. This wasn’t about needing her, it was about sex, pure and simple. Great sex with the sexiest woman he’d ever had the pleasure of fucking.

Now that he’d had her, he wanted more. She thought it was a mistake? Too damn bad. He knew exactly how good it was with her, and he was determined to get back in her pants as often as possible until she left. He grinned, rolling his shoulders as he turned down Main Street. Every storefront in the downtown area was decked out in twinkling white Christmas lights, including the shop he’d opened four years ago—Taylor Ink. He drove past, glancing in at the darkened interior. It was closed right now. He would open again for shortened hours a few days after Christmas but wouldn’t go back to regular hours until New Year’s Day.

So, until Dayna left, he had nothing better to do than her. Plenty of time to focus on loosening her up. It would be good for her to let go a little, and amazing for him to slide his hands over that smooth, creamy skin. And as a tattooist, he knew world-class skin when he saw it.

He also had a few very intriguing ideas on how to strip her of a little bit more of that control of hers. He stroked his fingers down the steering wheel, imagining her curves under his palms. Hell, he could do whatever he wanted with Dayna, and there was no danger of things getting deeper. He wasn’t her type, and she sure as hell wasn’t his. There was plenty of chemistry, but she wanted a nice guy. Hopefully not a dickhead like Nathan, but a nice, established guy. If possessive jealousy fisted in his gut, he ignored it. That just wasn’t how things could go with Dayna. No, it was just some carefree fun. She needed some of that, and he was more than willing to help her out.

This was the safest risk he’d ever taken.

It had to be because he knew exactly what loving a woman could do to a man. It could eat him alive. Jake’s shoulders stiffened, the muscles tightening as ugly memories he didn’t want came rushing in. He shook his head. No woman was worth what his mother had done to his father. She’d left his dad, left them both, when Jake was six—Toby’s age. When she’d skipped town with another man, Jake’s father had crawled into a bottle and never managed to drag himself out again. Jake had watched his old man get drunk and stay drunk every single day until the day he’d wrapped his truck around a telephone pole. Jake had been eighteen and two weeks out of high school.

Yeah, his dear old dad had been a great example of what not to be. Jake never wanted to let a woman close enough to hurt him like that, but he also didn’t wanted to be like his mother—a cheater. When he was with a woman, he was with her. After seeing what his father had gone through, he didn’t believe in infidelity. He might not want forever with one woman, but while his affairs lasted, he didn’t stray. He had fun, they had fun, but Jake was always the one to walk away. Always.

It wasn’t that he didn’t let anyone in. He had the Sharps. They’d been his family since he was twelve years old. He’d do damn near anything for them, but he could love them without risking his soul. That suited him just fine. He had the best of all worlds.

Sucking in a breath, he shoved the old ghosts aside and focused on how amazing his life was now and how mind-blowing the next week was going to be. A smile formed on his lips as the image of Dayna’s slim body arching in pleasure came to his mind. He was one lucky bastard, and he knew it. Whistling tunelessly, he made the turn that would take him out to the lake…and his house.

Under The Covers

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