Читать книгу Not on Her Own - Cynthia Reese - Страница 7


To two very special women:

to Laura Shin, for making my dreams come true,

and to my mom, who battled back against the

odds and is with me still.

May these women have the best

that life can offer them.

This book would not be a reality without the intensive help I received from my wonderful editor, Victoria Curran. She literally saved this project. I’d also like to thank my sister, Donna, for helping me through the early planning stages, and my critique partners, Tawna Fenske, Cindy Miles, Stephanie Bose and Nelsa Roberto. Thanks also to my dad, who helped answer some of the technical aspects of welding, and to Tawna and her friends Larie and Minta for helping me with how Oregonians plan weddings—

all errors are mine!

Not on Her Own

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