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Profile #7:

Your Gift Is Bigger Than You

Actor, Choreographer, and Author

Darrin Dewitt Henson

Whether it is movies like Stomp the Yard, television shows like Soul Food, or books like Pregnant with Thought, Darrin Dewitt Henson has been able to gives audiences around the world something that they can connect to—and there is no sign of him slowing down. His new book, Ain’t That the Truth, released at the end of 2017, allows us to see so much about the inner resources he has used to get to where he is, and why it is so important for him to share his vision of inner growth with others.

We’ve had several opportunities to connect in conversations that are inspiring and uplifting, and this discussion about the importance of powering life with the positive didn’t disappoint.

CW. Darrin, you have been fortunate enough to have a career that you and others love, but you have also used your platform to reach others. Why has that been important for you to do?

DH. I believe the platform is not just for me. It’s to afford people the opportunity to be inspired, so they can be able to move on and do something for their lives as well.

For any of us, when you receive something, it’s not just for you, but for you to share with others.

CW. Have you always known that the creative process was the way you would reach the world?

DH. I have! Creativity is my form of communication. Communication when it comes to the arts, like everything else, is consistently evolving. That has given me a variety of ways that I can communicate: acting, dancing, speaking, writing, etc.

There are so many ways we can expand. I’m just using some of those tools right now in my life.

CW. One of the things you have talked about is purpose. I believe that one thing that keeps people from walking in their purpose is fear. How have you not allowed fear to stop you?

DH. I do get fearful, but I use fear against itself. Some fear is good fear, stopping you from doing things that are detrimental. When it’s fear of growing we know it’s not good. You have to go through fear to get to where you want to be. Sit down, write down and figure out what you desire in life. In order for you to get there you’ll have to go through fear. There is no other way.

If you understand that everything you want is on the other side of fear, you’ll understand why stopping is not an option. Be scared but do it anyway.

CW. I mentioned that the world has gotten to know you, in one way or another, through the way you communicate. When you hear the response to your work, is that validation that you are accomplishing what you want?

DH. Yes I do. Especially when it comes to my books. I want to remind people that they are bigger and better than they appear to be. I want to remind people that doubt kills more dreams than anything else, and never doubt what they can achieve. If they are willing to do the work anything is possible.

1.What is the way you communicate to the world, and what can you use from Darrin’s approach to help you do it more?

2.How can you change the way fear is keeping you from living a positive and more productive life?


“I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear.”

—Rosa Parks


“Fear makes strangers of people who should be friends.”

—Shirley McClaine


“Don’t wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get, you’ve got to make yourself.”

—Alice Walker


“There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

—Albert Einstein

Power Your Life With the Positive

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