Читать книгу Leading in English: How to Confidently Communicate and Inspire Others in the International Workplace - D. Vincent Varallo - Страница 3



We would like to thank our wives, Ivette, Latha, and Marie-Genet, and our families for their support, patience, and enthusiasm for this project.

Our sincere gratitude goes to our dedicated team who played an instrumental role in guiding this book to publication:

■ Christina Schmitz, who helped us organize our thoughts and sharpen our focus

■ David Westley Covey, whose astute suggestions helped the manuscript flow

■ Carmela O'Flaherty for her support and excellent contributions to the Toolkit

■ Maggie Kennedy and Jacquelyn Hayward, whose expertise in manuscript submissions proved invaluable

■ The team at Cape Cod Compositors for their proficient copyediting skills

■ The team at Wiley for their ongoing support and for patiently guiding this book to publication

■ David M. R. Covey, Ken Price, and our colleagues at ThomasLeland for their ongoing support

We also would like to thank our clients worldwide and the many international professionals we have met along the way who have told us their stories and placed their trust and confidence in us.

Finally, we dedicate this book to the international professionals who are on a journey to find their authentic voice across cultural and linguistic backgrounds. We wish you the success you truly deserve.

Leading in English: How to Confidently Communicate and Inspire Others in the International Workplace

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