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You are ruled by the Sun, a masculine planet, which signifies authority, verve and intensity. You’re hugely charismatic and captivating, and love getting adulation. You are also a big-hearted individual who showers loved ones with encouragement and wealth, but because of your Lion-like character, you demand an equal measure of responsiveness. Socially, you enjoy an eclectic mix of temperaments and have a fondness for elegant environments. On the whole, you’re a secure individual who is in control of your emotions.

Leo-born individuals are well-proportioned and usually athletic in build. However, it would be wise to make physical exercise and diet a regular part of your daily regime. You exhibit a good measure of sex appeal, but you can be quite abashed about it. Being ruled by the Sun, you seek exhilaration in all your pursuits, including relationships. You can be unusually passionate about children, sports and entertaining exploits.

You are pure and childlike in your affection for others, but your dark side reveals itself in opinionated stances and arrogance. You’re also enormously compassionate and tender. As one of the most regal signs of the zodiac, you possess natural valour, confidence and an optimistic frame of mind, and you refuse to stoop. Come hell or high water, you hold your head high, which many perceive as pompousness rather than courage.

Your personality is governed by strong zodiac elements, which makes you very exacting, and you make demands of others who may not have an inkling of your thought processes. You have a knack for pushing people beyond their comfort zone and helping them realise their own potential. Of course, you are thinking about their best interests, but few will be receptive to such intensity.

You may exhibit a streak of impulsiveness, but you can blame this on your imaginative mind and keen desire to share your light-bulb moments with the world. Your self-confidence is high, especially when compared to other signs of the zodiac. This may spark silent resentment when you find that others are obstinately closed to your perceptive insights.

You should practise patience and tolerance, Leo, as your exacting and aggressive demands can backfire on you. As the saying goes, ‘you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink’. Let it go; others may not be as thirsty as you.

There could be occasions when your staunch philosophical beliefs get in the way of forging healthy relationships with others. Such obstinacy can mean the end of relationship. Try to find a delicate balance between discernment and effervescence.


In marriage, you express your love by nurturing your spouse and offspring. You’re generous with joy, encouragement, support and pleasure, which your loved ones benefit from. You also want to see your partner and family live without any strain, and you work relentlessly towards that end.

When it comes to children, you’re strict as well as compassionate. However, employ care when dealing with your offspring. Some would rather be led gently than prodded fiercely. Your sense of protection is never governed by ego; it is there to enable them to succeed in life through hard work and tenacity.

You’re the epitome of courage, conviction, optimism and selfconfidence, and you are a role model for those around you. Your personality is a mixed bag of enthusiasm, competitiveness and aggression, and you see nothing more clearly than the route to realising your goals. Though you’re perceived as rigid and obstinate, you are just persistent and uncompromising when it comes to executing your plans.

Leo 2014

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