Читать книгу Wild Seduction - Daire St. Denis - Страница 4


Dear Reader,

Have you ever done something completely out of character? Acted (or reacted) spontaneously in a moment of passion, fear, joy or anger? What was the repercussion of that act? Did it turn out okay? Did you regret it? Did it take you down a path you never thought you’d ever take?

Personally, I’ve never done anything out of character...

Yeah, right! Of course I have. Everyone has. For example, there was this scuba instructor I met while vacationing in the Philippines... What should have been a simple holiday fling turned into me moving to Berlin with him on a whim... Ahem. Crazy, right?

Did it work out in the end? No. Do I regret it? Nope. Not one bit, because while we weren’t a forever match, I learned so much about myself through that relationship.

In Wild Seduction, Ashley Ozark does something in the spur of the moment, too, something wild and crazy, something completely out of character. Does she regret it? You bet. At least at first because accidentally making out with the least likely man possible and pretending he’s her boyfriend challenges everything she believes about herself, her hometown and the type of man she wants as a lover. Does her impulsive act turn out okay? Well, you’re just going to have to read to find out!

On that note, I hope you enjoy Wild Seduction and fall in love with Colton Cross as much as Ashley does—even if she doesn’t want to. I love to hear from readers, and I would love to hear some of your stories. Just drop me a line to say hi at dairestdenis@dairestdenis.com.

Happy reading!

Daire St. Denis

Wild Seduction

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