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1. What advantages has the fluent speaker over the hesitating talker?

2. What influences, within and without the man himself, work against fluency?

3. Select from the daily paper some topic for an address and make a three-minute address on it. Do your words come freely and your sentences flow out rhythmically? Practise on the same topic until they do.

4. Select some subject with which you are familiar and test your fluency by speaking extemporaneously.

5. Take one of the sentiments given below and, following the advice given on pages 118-119, construct a short speech beginning with the last word in the sentence.

Machinery has created a new economic world.

The Socialist Party is a strenuous worker for peace.

He was a crushed and broken man when he left prison.

War must ultimately give way to world-wide arbitration.

The labor unions demand a more equal distribution of the wealth that labor creates.

6. Put the sentiments of Mr. Bryan's "Prince of Peace," on page 448, into your own words. Honestly criticise your own effort.

7. Take any of the following quotations and make a five-minute speech on it without pausing to prepare. The first efforts may be very lame, but if you want speed on a typewriter, a record for a hundred-yard dash, or facility in speaking, you must practise, practise, PRACTISE.

There lives more faith in honest doubt,

Believe me, than in half the creeds.

—Tennyson, In Memoriam.

Howe'er it be, it seems to me,

'Tis only noble to be good.

Kind hearts are more than coronets,

And simple faith than Norman blood.

—Tennyson, Lady Clara Vere de Vere.

'Tis distance lends enchantment to the view

And robes the mountain in its azure hue.

—Campbell, Pleasures of Hope.

His best companions, innocence and health,

And his best riches, ignorance of wealth.

—Goldsmith, The Deserted Village.

Beware of desperate steps! The darkest day,

Live till tomorrow, will have passed away.

—Cowper, Needless Alarm.

My country is the world, and my religion is to do good.

—Paine, Rights of Man.

Trade it may help, society extend,

But lures the pirate, and corrupts the friend:

It raises armies in a nation's aid,

But bribes a senate, and the land's betray'd.

—Pope, Moral Essays.[5]

O God, that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal

away their brains!

—Shakespeare, Othello.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishment the scroll,

I am the master of my fate,

I am the captain of my soul.

—Henley, Invictus.

The world is so full of a number of things,

I am sure we should all be happy as kings.

—Stevenson, A Child's Garden of Verses.

If your morals are dreary, depend upon it they are wrong.

—Stevenson, Essays.

Every advantage has its tax. I learn to be content.

—Emerson, Essays.

8. Make a two-minute speech on any of the following general subjects, but you will find that your ideas will come more readily if you narrow your subject by taking some specific phase of it. For instance, instead of trying to speak on "Law" in general, take the proposition, "The Poor Man Cannot Afford to Prosecute;" or instead of dwelling on "Leisure," show how modern speed is creating more leisure. In this way you may expand this subject list indefinitely.

DALE CARNEGIE Premium Collection

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