Читать книгу The Divine Conspiracy Continued: Fulfilling God’s Kingdom on Earth - Dallas Willard, Dallas Willard - Страница 16



Psalm 23 and Habakkuk 3 lie before us as the result of reflection on the manner of being that fully establishes the ultimate goal of the divine conspiracy throughout all creation. Psalm 23, the God-breathed, with-God life, has already been initiated and is now being brought to pass in and through the lives and communities of his devoted students. As disciples of Jesus, following in his footsteps, listening to the Spirit’s ever present counsel, we are to facilitate and lead a humble, peaceful, wise, and loving festival of goodwill, the result of which will overwhelm every competing agenda, every fearful scheme, and every desperate plan founded on the shifting sands of human fear or pride. It is a revolution of loving-kindness.

History reveals that acts of rebellion and resistance to God and his ways, whether overt or covert, conscious or unconscious, individual or communal, are most often committed by those with ears deaf to the music and eyes blind to the beauty of the plentitude provided by the Good Shepherd, who is the Lord of all things, Yahweh, the great “I am,” who prepares a table of goodness that nourishes body and soul, family, tribe, city, and nation to the point of overflowing. It is from this position of lavish blessedness that God is set to deal with all creation.

Psalm 23 provides a step toward a primary change that must occur prior to any renovation of our thoughts and actions. We must come face-to-face with the king of the realm we seek to expand. The God that Jesus knew was perhaps very different from the God often described in our contemporary world. The God Jesus knew perfectly and testified to is a self-sustaining, all-encompassing being who is also immaterial, intelligent and free, personal and triune, perfectly good, wise and powerful, who created the universe and continues to sustain it as well as govern and direct it by his providence. The moral attributes of God as loving, beneficent, and generous flow out of the plentitude of his being. There is nothing to fear. We are in fact more than conquerors when we obediently follow in God’s good purposes and plan (Rom. 8:37).

The Divine Conspiracy Continued: Fulfilling God’s Kingdom on Earth

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